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    Oh Dear Abby, that is too good - great way to end my night!!



      There's a difference between asking and answering questions among those in the same boat and a neophyte asking a question to a board of professionals. Actually, there are several differences. As has been written, when I ask it's because it came up in real life and probably will again and probably will for others and maybe we can all learn something. When I answer, it's to help a colleague. We have only 3 1/2 months (more like 2 this year, with Congress's new laws!) to earn the bulk of our living. If I can save someone a few minutes or gain a few minutes myself, I'm less cranky and can help my clients and maybe help more colleagues on this board. What goes around comes around. When someone comes on once with a question and never returns or has the knowledge to ever offer an answer, it breaks the chain. But, I think what bothers me the most is that a do-it-yourselfer coming on this board has no idea who knows what about what; so is he just looking for confirmation of what his barber already told him? He hasn't been around for months to know what I know or where my weaknesses lie or those of Black Bart or Old Jack or... So, when he gets three different opinions, how could he possibly know if it's because his tax question was that complex or that poorly described or just that two of the three responders aren't very expert on that topic? It's totally different when we're face-to-face with someone at church or at a PTA meeting or...and they already know we helped their friend and we already know their mother lives with them or son's in college or other background. I'd never ask strangers on a car care board why my car makes that funny noise, because I wouldn't know which responders are the noise experts. Enought of a rant, I'm tired and behind. Glad all you folks are here for me.



        And, Black Bart and Old Jack don't have any weaknesses. I meant that a stranger wouldn't know their STRENGTHS, of course!


          Originally posted by abby View Post
          If you haven't heard this song, well, it might make you smile - maybe even guffaw, who knows?

          I often give free advice to friends and neighbors, and assure them it's worth every penny.

          To my cat:

          If you jump on my desk and knock all papers off it…

          I’m billing time…

