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Liberty Tax Service

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    Original mind

    Originally posted by veritas View Post
    Tigard, Oregon.

    Give me your 1040EZ, Your 1040A
    Your messed up files yearning to break free
    The screwed up stock sales that make you poor
    Efile these, direct deposit, and toss me a fee
    I lift my TaxBook beside the front door
    I congratulate you on an original thought in this dull dull dull time of finishing up these awful boring tax returns. I hate taxes, but will love them come 04/18/07. Right now I want to take these piles and piles of unfinished returns and say take this job ... wait I am self employed. What I wouldn't do for a nice green thing out side forbidding anyone to come in.

    Any I digress, very clever indeed V.


      >>a nice green thing out side forbidding anyone to come in<<

      I believe, sir, that the whole idea is that they do come inside and bring the green stuff with them.


        Well...wait a minute.

        Where's "my" wavers? Whassamatter with Arkansas having wavers? All the rest of you states have 'em -- where's ours? Redneck and 'baccy-chawin' we may be, but aren't we as deserving of garish stunts, spectacular hoopla, gorilla suits, and/or waving Lady Libertys as anybody else?

        I demand a branch franchise in Dogpatch! I'm writin' my congressman/woman/person/whatever.


          Originally posted by Black Bart View Post
          Where's "my" wavers? Whassamatter with Arkansas having wavers? All the rest of you states have 'em -- where's ours? Redneck and 'baccy-chawin' we may be, but aren't we as deserving of garish stunts, spectacular hoopla, gorilla suits, and/or waving Lady Libertys as anybody else?

          I demand a branch franchise in Dogpatch! I'm writin' my congressman/woman/person/whatever.
          Hey BB the liberty office in my neck of the woods not only has a waver, but she holds a sign that reads-"fresh coffee and donuts-free". So the other day I was feeling hungry so I stopped by the Liberty office walked in and asked for some donuts & coffee. The person asked if I was ready to do my returns I replied no just hungry, besides I do income taxes myself. I then walked out and went back to work , with donuts & coffee in hand I might add.
          I mean these Liberty offices are not all bad heck they provide a great community service "free coffee and donuts".
          So BB you should write Liberty headquarters and ask them to open a franchise that way you can have free coffee and donuts as well.


            BB - I have seen the wavers in Fort Smith, AR

            Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".

