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    More Characters

    meet more of our folks:

    Gracious Southern Ladies: Gabriele (Montana), S T(California), and Natiro(Oregon) and Lion (Connecticut).

    Gracious Non-Southern Ladies: GeekGirlDanielle (Georgia).

    Burton Koss: (only in tax season) another grizzled veteran of tax expertise with occasional long and fluent dissertations.

    Old Jack: not really old, not really a liquor, and not really an after-shave.

    Black Bart: secretly a PhD from Harvard posing as dumb Arkansas redneck.

    Jainen: astute and ascorbic malcontent. You'll find out soon enough.

    Gary: all around good guy who happens to be an HRB employee. Interesting to hear from the HRB point of view sometimes. A nuclear physicist in his other life.

    And there is a veritable plethora of new folks from the ATXers who saw the light and are now with us.


      Thanks for all the great welcome greetings

      I am now sure that I will have a great year on this message board. You people are great and no, I did not go away for the weekend. Guess what? I live on a farm, my office is in my home and between tax returns, I feed and care for goats and chickens. One year and probably will be the same again this year, I work on tax and run to the goat barn to deliver baby goats. I will try to keep you informed of the new arrivals, even new chicken arrivals, ha... I do like bluegrass and southern cooking. I will try to contact each one of you personally later as I have a cold and really haven't been super well this week. Thanks again for each one of you taking time to welcome me and making me feel like a member of the message board family.



        Wow, Snag! Thank you very much for referring to me as a gracious Southern lady. I'm flattered and blushing. Should I swoon? I'm a midwest girl born and bred, spent a decade in CA, then followed my then-husband to CT way back in the 70's. I've been saying that my next move should be to the South. I own some farmland my grandfather bought in the 1880's in Montgomery County, IL. Maybe that'll let me keep the title of gracious Southern lady. I'm an ATXer, too. Welcome to all the ATXers migrating to this board and to all newcomers.
        Last edited by Lion; 10-29-2006, 09:54 PM. Reason: punctuation and capitalization


          More TMI Boarding House Characters

          Brenda of Ross: If you're birthin' goats between 1040s, then you're definitely not a "screamer." Thanks for sticking around.

          Snag and I sound like those "hotshots" in high school who filled the annual (yearbook) with stuff about themselves.'s a plug for all the others that weren't in the previous "who's who" posts:

          sea-tax / Bird Legs / Jiggers / DTS / Safire / abby / JG EA / RLymanC / BOB W / taxea / Jesse / taxmandan / DaveO / cpadan / WhiteOleander / Ken / Chief / Bill Tubbs / Bjorn / outwest / Possi / rosieea / Kurly / dsi / dyne / Kbts / Roland Slugg / John of PA / Gene V / Rocky / Jan / KJ Judd / jimmcg / Joe Btfsplk / JoshinNC / Donanita / Oxtrainer / Linda F / JAinNC / djack1040 / Ecb34691 / jmc / DaveinTexas / Kram BerGold / Bucky / Larry M / Connie / Brenda / Eli / TAXBILLY / TAX / Zee / jrsandoval2000 / Roberts / peggysioux / Jeff / KarenMM / HBurkholder / TaxBird / Dezsrtax / MAMalody / JimR / D'Artagnan / btaexp / LTaxes / Nanbe1st / gman / Mr1040 / gwithers13 / Penelope / GTS1101 / Sherill / VT - EA / Edwjay / TIM G / DonPriebe / TheGoodShawn / Unregistered (gosh, this guy posts a lot).

          If you're a newbie in that list and not an old regular (or even if you are) and haven't clued us in before, post us something about yourself if you want to -- we know your "name," but don't know anything about your personality, hair color, or favorite ice-cream flavor. If I overlooked your name, I'm sorry about that, please excuse the omission, and please post something yourself. Come on in -- we like people here. Thanks.
          Last edited by Black Bart; 10-30-2006, 04:58 AM.


            Originally posted by RossTax1
            I am now sure that I will have a great year on this message board. You people are great and no, I did not go away for the weekend. Guess what? I live on a farm, my office is in my home and between tax returns, I feed and care for goats and chickens. One year and probably will be the same again this year, I work on tax and run to the goat barn to deliver baby goats. I will try to keep you informed of the new arrivals, even new chicken arrivals, ha... I do like bluegrass and southern cooking. I will try to contact each one of you personally later as I have a cold and really haven't been super well this week. Thanks again for each one of you taking time to welcome me and making me feel like a member of the message board family.
            Got any of them "fainting goats?"

            Watching fainting goats is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


              sech a pledge

              >>Jainen: astute and ascorbic malcontent.<<

              I'm not sure about that "ascorbic" thing--I suppose it's a slur. Haven't you noticed that I am still abiding by the niceness pledge old Black tricked me into? You must be reading my posts on another forum, wherein I never did sech a pledge.
              Last edited by jainen; 10-31-2006, 01:53 AM.


                A slur?

                Originally posted by jainen
                >>Jainen: astute and ascorbic malcontent.<<

                I'm not sure about that "ascorbic" thing--I suppose it's a slur. Haven't you noticed that I am still abiding by the niceness pledge old Black tricked me into? You must be reading my posts on another forum, wherein I never did sech a pledge.
                Perish, the thought!

                I'm sure that "astute and ascorbic malcontent" is quite likely one of the nicest things that's ever been written about you. Why I, myself, once referred to you as a "dirty, rotten, low-down, inexcrupulous rat" which, as is now widely known, was a complete falsehood and a dirty, rotten, low-down, inexcrupulous misrepresentation.

                Taking note of your Galahad-like demeanor and amiable manner of late, I give you full credit for having kept your pledge to become a "nice guy;" pulling off a complete character transformation. Surely all boardmembers are appreciative of and applaud this positive development. Your (wait-getting my thesaurus) cordial, sweet-tempered, mellow, charming, delightful behavior has been nothing less than inspiring. You are, indeed, a "jolly good fellow."

                Too, I've actually begun to like you (but don't tell any of my friends -- this is a "red" state).

                "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains." -- Winston Churchill


                  something I would do

                  >>"dirty, rotten, low-down, inexcrupulous rat"<<

                  I do recall that particular characterization. I agreed it was accurate except for the first word, of which I took great exception on account of my culinary skills. Once we settled that (in my favor, thank you), our relationship improved somewhat.

                  I understand you are struggling with a thesaurus, a curious book that associates words according to common usage without the full historical connotations. I'm sure you mean kindly by comparing me to Galahad, but he is not one of my personal role models. He was the guy who ran off with the boss's wife, which is definitely not something I would do.


                    I think he means the son, not the father. Galahad, the son, was all things good and pure - perhaps too removed from human folly for everyday uses, but nonetheless...

                    "Sir Galahad is a knight of King Arthur's Round Table and one of the three achievers of the Holy Grail in Arthurian legend. He is the bastard son of Sir Lancelot and Elaine of Carbonek, and is renowned for his gallantry and purity.

                    Galahad's conception comes about when Elaine, daughter of the Grail King Pelles, uses magic to trick Lancelot into thinking she is Guinevere. They sleep together, but on discovering what has transpired, Lancelot abandons Elaine and returns to Arthur's court. Galahad is placed in the care of his great aunt, the abbess at a nunnery, and is raised there. "Galahad" was Lancelot's original name, but it had been changed when he was a child. Merlin prophesies that Galahad would surpass his father in valor and be successful in his achievement of the Holy Grail"


                      I feel much better

                      Ahh, thanks for clearing that up, Abby. (By the way, are you related to the abby in the story, is that how you know?)

                      Okay, the proper order of the universe is restored. Now that we understand that Black Bart was calling jainen a pure bastard, I feel much better.


                        I think they...

                        better quit while they're ahead :-)



                          No fainting goats

                          Hi, I have just returned to the message board and read your replies to my posting on
                          10-28-2006. I have been very busy on the farm. I have Nubian and Boer goats. Hope to communicate with all of you more in the near future. Be good.

