"Retired" customer got part time work in 2023 from a local counseling service in which he picks up and drops off
troubled teens from across the state. The counseling service gave him a 1099-NEC for $12,153 box #1 for 2023.
He incurred 7,932 in milage transporting the teens. His milage per round-trip averages about 125 miles.
As I understand this, he'll need to file a "C". Can he use this milage on the "C" without having an office in his home?
Thanks for comments.
troubled teens from across the state. The counseling service gave him a 1099-NEC for $12,153 box #1 for 2023.
He incurred 7,932 in milage transporting the teens. His milage per round-trip averages about 125 miles.
As I understand this, he'll need to file a "C". Can he use this milage on the "C" without having an office in his home?
Thanks for comments.