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Question for forum administrators

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    Originally posted by kathyc2 View Post

    I plain just ignored the entire forum for weeks long stretches in the off season because of a toxic person or two. I've noticed a lot less activity from other long term users, and wondering if it may be for the same reason.
    I've only been here for two years but there have been several other posters who have left (or at least stopped posting) because of the sometimes toxic environment here. Fortunately this forum is less active than others that I am on so it's not too difficult to ignore threads that have either been derailed or that have devolved into useless bickering. I'm in the "ignore it and move on" camp with ATS and NYEA. There is still plenty of useful information here and overall I feel like the experience is a net positive.

    IMO your contributions here have been valuable and I appreciate your participation but at the end of the day you have to do what you feel is best for you.



      Originally posted by rbynaker View Post

      I've only been here for two years but there have been several other posters who have left (or at least stopped posting) because of the sometimes toxic environment here. Fortunately this forum is less active than others that I am on so it's not too difficult to ignore threads that have either been derailed or that have devolved into useless bickering. I'm in the "ignore it and move on" camp with ATS and NYEA. There is still plenty of useful information here and overall I feel like the experience is a net positive.

      IMO your contributions here have been valuable and I appreciate your participation but at the end of the day you have to do what you feel is best for you.

      I agree with Rick. I must say that I have been for along time. I admit not to have a lot of knowledge in certain areas (trusts, etc) and have had tremendous help from this forum. Sometimes I may not explain the way I need to, but if you don't know how or what to ask if you have less knowledge than others, we do out best. All in all, I don't appreciate the "unfriendly" responses from some posters that have way more knowledge than I do, but I am the one that needs the help, not them. If I don't like it, then don't read their posts and carry on. I wouldn't leave this forum for the few that have the problem with me. And now I am glad to learn the option to not get their info is available.

      Thanks for this forum!!


        Originally posted by kathyc2 View Post

        I plain just ignored the entire forum for weeks long stretches in the off season because of a toxic person or two. I've noticed a lot less activity from other long term users, and wondering if it may be for the same reason.
        One thing I learned since I started posting on various forums (both tax and non tax related) is that people tend to be bolder and unabashed what they say because they are not telling that to your face. Hence take it with a grain of salt and spice and just let it roll off your back. They can't physically hurt you. Getting too sensitive will only bother you not them!
        Taxes after all are the dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society. - FDR


          Originally posted by ATSMAN View Post

          One thing I learned since I started posting on various forums (both tax and non tax related) is that people tend to be bolder and unabashed what they say because they are not telling that to your face. Hence take it with a grain of salt and spice and just let it roll off your back. They can't physically hurt you. Getting too sensitive will only bother you not them!
          I have no idea where you are coming up with that I am hurt or too sensitive. In the off season I didn't find usefulness in forum because of the bickering, and didn't visit. I gave it a try again during tax season and found the same thing. Rather than just not visit, I asked if there was a way to not see the posts of a couple people that rarely add anything to conversation and bicker back and forth. I was not aware of the ignore feature, and it would work other than I don't want to log on to take a quick view of posts.

          I'm not hurt. I'm not mad. I'm simply choosing to not spend my free time sifting through the BS that has become so prevalent here.

          Peace out.



            I have no idea where you are coming up with that I am hurt or too sensitive. In the off season I didn't find usefulness in forum because of the bickering, and didn't visit. I gave it a try again during tax season and found the same thing. Rather than just not visit, I asked if there was a way to not see the posts of a couple people that rarely add anything to conversation and bicker back and forth. I was not aware of the ignore feature, and it would work other than I don't want to log on to take a quick view of posts.

            I'm not hurt. I'm not mad. I'm simply choosing to not spend my free time sifting through the BS that has become so prevalent here.

            Peace out.

            Sounds like you're having a difficult time leaving. Lets move on everybody. I think the majority us try and be civil do our best to help each other. Lets not become twitter. Although I post rarely i appreciate a second or third opinion when needed. I don't think we require someone censoring or protecting us from gray area post.


              It's not gray. It's arguing. If you have more than one child, you probably hear it daily! I do NOT want to listen to it/read it in my biz world, too.


                Originally posted by dtlee View Post
                Not an administrator in the least, but on similar forums the following works to make posts of users whose posts you don't value not be visible. It works well in another forum I use but I do not know if the administrators need to enable something here. You might try it while awaiting a response:
                1. Copy the name of the user into your Cut/Paste buffer (optional).
                2. Click on the down arrow near your login name in the upper right of the page.
                3. Select "My Profile" from the list.
                4. Click on the "ACCOUNT" tab in the "User Settings" page that appears.
                5. Scroll down and enter the user names of those whose posts you find bothersome in the "Ignore List" at the bottom of the page (or paste what you copied in step 1).
                This is 100% undo-able, so if you see something you want to see you can remove the user from the list and all of that user's posts will again be visible.
                This is good advice for you to mute someone you don't want to see on the message board.

