Fees should be rare
All credit cards (and checking accounts!) will charge you for "unusual" activity, but looking at the actual fee structure ( http://www.sctax.org/NR/rdonlyres/37...0511_FINAL.PDF ) it would appear that most reasonable folks could use the card without ever incurring any fees. So long as they use the card for purchases and not cash advances at ATMs, there should be ZERO charges.
Of course, if I were filing a SC return and a refund was in the works, a direct deposit would occur and this conversation would be over......
Yeah, the tie-in with BofA bothers me a bit, but such is life.
Originally posted by dyne
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Of course, if I were filing a SC return and a refund was in the works, a direct deposit would occur and this conversation would be over......
Yeah, the tie-in with BofA bothers me a bit, but such is life.
