I sometimes enter little notes to myself in the "Client #" box on my software page where you select returns to open.
Had a pastor client come in to see if Clergy Worksheets were approved for filing yet. (Even though I TOLD him I would let him know.) This is the same guy who spent an hour moaning and groaning about "the system" cause his kid was only #4 in his class.
(The "system" that allows him to exempt 14,200 for housing allowance is ok.)
So, he is standing over my shoulder when I go to open his return. My note about him:
Had a pastor client come in to see if Clergy Worksheets were approved for filing yet. (Even though I TOLD him I would let him know.) This is the same guy who spent an hour moaning and groaning about "the system" cause his kid was only #4 in his class.
(The "system" that allows him to exempt 14,200 for housing allowance is ok.)
So, he is standing over my shoulder when I go to open his return. My note about him: