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Wow, guess I'm still grouchy

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    Oh, Joan

    Please accept my empathy. Dealing with bureaucrats and righteous neighbors is frustrating.

    Perhaps you could scatter a few Kanab Ambersnails on your acreage and declare it a habitat for endangered species, not to be disturbed.


      RCooper and Joan are both in my thoughts and prayers as you progress through your current difficulties.

      I personally am what I consider to be comfortably busy. I have three clients who got at their own request extensions and who will be in touch at their convenience about me finishing their returns. IOW I have done all the work on them for which I have the information. They know when their extended returns are due and when their information must be with me in order for me to guarantee meeting the deadline. In the meanwhile, I have a client who has a face to face audit on 5/5 and I think I have everything I am going to need to prepare for that and I am currently in the process of working on it.


        There's a guy out there with a big tractor right now.

        Thing is, I like yard work. I was really happy on the 18th finally getting outside in the sun getting exercise and making a big dent in the yard. Then I can look at something tangible created. And April 16th usually means I get to plant my garden and get my hands dirty and watch things grow. I mean we all gotta have hobbies and whatnot.

        But this code enforcement ***** has gotta go. On one hand I get with my water bill a flyer about conservation and all. We're in the third year of a drought, the Sunday paper is running articles about how to capture rainwater, the reservoirs are puddles and they're telling me when the drought ends (and every few years we are in a drought and they are predicting serious changes water availability because the snowmelt is getting earlier and earlier) I gotta IRRIGATE a frikking field that has never been irrigated.

        Last summer a lady in one of the nicer sections of town got cited for letting her lawn die (she was going to put in a xeriscape after it died out) and the year before the story was someone in town who planted tomatoes in her front yard. Vegetables apparently arent' acceptable landscaping. I guess wildflowers aren't either....and the field is so pretty this time of year. Instead I'll have foot deep thatch which IS a major fire hazard....


          Yes, but look at all the people you've helped along on their career path. Just think of all those satisfied bureaucrats who get to mark off boxes on their checklists verifying that they've harrassed another taxpayer almost to the breaking point. That has to look good on the resume of any government employee itching to get a promotion.
          "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith



            Have you considered making your fight public by such things as letters to the editor of the local paper and chats with people at the local TV and Radio stations? You could even have signage put up subject to applicable codes. You could also consider raising donations for a court fight.


              That will not work in CA.

              This is a perfect example of our do-gooding government running amok as they look out for the masses. This will not change in this state.



                Yeah, I found out about these other cases because of the paper. I can raise a stink with the best of them. This is bureaucracy at its finest.

                Ahhh, but the field is mowed, the guy was inexpensive (wonder if he needs accounting work; just started his mowing biz). My tenant weed whacked my backyard (the parts the code enforcement can't see but provide me with such joy) better than I expected and we had a nice chat about organic gardening (he is getting started for his first garden..I offered to take over a few truckloads of organic matter for his compost!) and gave them some strawberry plants and some of my seeds. While he's out of work I can lower the rent and get yard work and he can get garden advice and seedlings. And fruit, I'll have lots of fruit.

                I can finally breathe. I even got the bills paid this afternoon. Time to put out the hammock. Maybe I'll even get through the pile o'crap on the coffeetable.



                  I'm glad you got things straightened out ok and I'm glad you use this board. You're a great lady and your being here has enriched my experience.

