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Variable Annuity Distributions to Beneficiaries

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    Variable Annuity Distributions to Beneficiaries

    Would like to confirm my understanding that when beneficiaries ( exclude spouses ) receive their benefit from a non qualified variable annuity they are only taxed on the portion of the benefit that exceeds the basis of the owner of the policy. So...if $ 50,000.00 was the owner's original investment and the beneficiary received $ 60,000.00 only $ 10,000.00 would be taxed as ordinary income. And if the above is correct, when a 1035 exchange is made between annuity contracts does the receipent insurance company track the basis from the prior contract? And, finally, if I am comletely off base on my understanding of this issue, can someone help straighten me out? Thanks.

    My understanding is the same as yours. Only $10,000 of the distribution would be taxed, and if it is exchanged for another contract, the new contract would have to track basis.


      You are correct. But sometimes the basis is not tracked properly. I have seen this happen when 1035's are done, but it most often occurred a number of years ago. Today, this is usually done correctly. You won't know until the 1099 comes down.

