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My mom says.............

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    My mom says.............

    ...........she got her $300 rebate check???? The only problem is she was claimed on my sister's tax return as a dependent. Am I missing something here??????

    Section 6428 credit is not allowed for the following:
    • Any nonresident alien individual,
    • Any individual who can be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer such as a
    parent, and
    • An estate or trust.
    Last edited by BOB W; 09-29-2008, 11:49 AM.
    This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

    Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.

    I'm not surprised.

    For one client we duly filed his regular 1040 return with Philadelphia service center, all income duly reported. Refund received.

    Couple of months later he got a letter from Austin service center asking for more information in order to process his 1040A.... right, 1040 A!

    One possible explanation of this was a 1040A was also filed in order to claim the rebate
    check; however he didn't know anything about that. So I'm never surprised at anything
    IRS does or doesn't do, or gets right; or even gets wrong.
    Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


      Two Questions

      Can Bob's Mom keep the check or does she have to return the money? I have a feeling that the IRS is liable to at some point ask for the money back plus P & I although I would imagine that it will be possible to get the P abated. (I have heard of cases where that happened after a regular refund was too large even though the taxpayer filed for only the correct amount.)

      Harlan what are you going to do with the IRS Letter? (This sounds like there is a major mess somewhere but not necessarily on the part of your client.)
      Last edited by erchess; 09-29-2008, 12:52 PM.


        The response to the letter

        Originally posted by erchess View Post
        Can Bob's Mom keep the check or does she have to return the money? I have a feeling that the IRS is liable to at some point ask for the money back plus P & I although I would imagine that it will be possible to get the P abated. (I have heard of cases where that happened after a regular refund was too large even though the taxpayer filed for only the correct amount.)

        Harlan what are you going to do with the IRS Letter? (This sounds like there is a major mess somewhere but not necessarily on the part of your client.)
        First of all I called Austin Service center with client there and brought it to their attention.
        their response was "Oh! well ... okay...... Don't worry about it."

        Secondly I santized the letter and sent it to IRS via a confidential channel for their
        edification and possible amusement.
        Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


          My mom says.............

          "Oh! well ... okay...... Don't worry about it."
          I wouldn't trust that response. If everything tells you she did not qualify for a check send it back with a cover letter.taxea
          Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


            Not my problem, it was my "know all" brother and sister that have all the answers........My brother is a SUPER Millionaire and my sister is just a "lowend" Millionaire (2 or 3). I'm just waiting for the $300 to be barfed into their face and to pay the bill when it comes due because my Mom will not be able to pay it back.

            I'm most afraid the IRS will do nothing and my up front advice to them "it can't be done" will make me a poor tax advisor and make them glad I don't handle their tax stuff.

            I didn't have the heart to tell my 91 year old Mother that she will probably have to send it back.
            Last edited by BOB W; 09-30-2008, 01:09 PM.
            This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

            Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


              My mom says.............

              My motto "don't believe anything you haven't personally verified" has worked well for me. Have you seen the check?
              My experiences have taught me that:
              The best person to seek advice from is the person who has experience in the field. And that doesn't always mean the IRS.
              Having money does not automatically give one knowledge, ability or good sense.
              There are times when erroring on the side of the way the IRS thinks is actually what's best for your client. taxea
              Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


                I had a client that got one of those 'file your 1040A to get your stimulus' letters and filed another return (duly filling in the numbers as best they could from the 1040 they originally filed). Those 1040A letters went out to everyone that gets social security, regardless of whether they file a return or not. So these folks thought they had to file another form to get the stimulus (she gets SS, he works)....then the service center processing the 'stimulus return' sent a notice asked for all the missing schedules....

                took a few months to get it sorted out.

