WOW: lots of questions
1. The UGMA is called a trust, taxed on the beneficiaries Individual Tax Return ??
Scenerio: Father purchased stock in childs name, when child was born with father as custodian,. It was set up as a UGMA. Stock sold when child was 9 yrs old for a gain of $12,000. Form 1040 tax return filed under child Social Security Number, Child became liable for tax.??? Father purchased another stock at that time as an UGMA.
Child now 19 yrs old tax for the 10 yr old tax return never paid. Child liable for tax according to father ( it was never paid). True or False ?? Father made an offer in comprimise for 1/2 of the tax liability when child was 16 yrs old, It was never paid.
No $ or stock balance in the UGMA.
HELP. Any suggestions for me to assist the child would be appreciated.
1. The UGMA is called a trust, taxed on the beneficiaries Individual Tax Return ??
Scenerio: Father purchased stock in childs name, when child was born with father as custodian,. It was set up as a UGMA. Stock sold when child was 9 yrs old for a gain of $12,000. Form 1040 tax return filed under child Social Security Number, Child became liable for tax.??? Father purchased another stock at that time as an UGMA.
Child now 19 yrs old tax for the 10 yr old tax return never paid. Child liable for tax according to father ( it was never paid). True or False ?? Father made an offer in comprimise for 1/2 of the tax liability when child was 16 yrs old, It was never paid.
No $ or stock balance in the UGMA.
HELP. Any suggestions for me to assist the child would be appreciated.