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Any Gustav Victims?

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    Any Gustav Victims?

    Would you folks effected by Gustav check in here (if and when you can) and let the rest of us know how you were effected and if you need some acct/tax practice assistance.
    Uncle Sam, CPA, EA. ARA, NTPI Fellow

    Uncle Sam

    My thoughts the last few days have been with our members that are going to be affected by this storm about to land in a few hours. Stay safe and like Sam mentioned, let us know how you're doing.

    That was so nice of you to offer to help in any way you could. I would like to join you and help out in any small way I could, as well. Just let us know what we can do.



      Know A Couple

      We have a couple, "Redneck" who hasn't posted in awhile. Practices in Covington, LA due north of Nawleans. "Donanita" occasionally posts, not sure where she practices. Probably have a few more LA people on the board who don't disclose their location.

      I'm sure they fared much better than was feared. Lucky the storm downgraded to a cat 2 at landfall, and aside from the tornados that came with it, much better than was forecasted.

      Nice to check in with our comrades. No area of the country is without natural disasters. Floods, blizzards, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, and not to mention just plain ole' extreme heat and cold.


        Originally posted by Uncle Sam View Post
        Would you folks effected by Gustav check in here (if and when you can) and let the rest of us know how you were effected and if you need some acct/tax practice assistance.
        I am from Farmerville, Louisiana and we have trees down and lines down in roads here for days and no electricty either. But so glad for a generator to back us up at times like these. Rain flooded homes in town; we live in the country; did not flood us---we are on a hill.

        Thank goodness it is not tax time.

        We are hoping IKE doesn't come up the gulf either. Praying no one gets hurt or killed they are so powerful.
        Thank you for asking. May all take care in the path of others coming.

