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Off-topic: oceanlovin'EA take a look!

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    Off-topic: oceanlovin'EA take a look!


    I was reading another forum and read this article this morning. This guy's was arrested in your town. I'm sure you've heard of this?

    People always think they'll get away with stuff like this. I guess some do, but not too often, thank goodness!

    Last edited by DTS; 08-02-2008, 01:08 PM.

    I guess he thought that this IRS agent was the only one left. If she were dead, there would be no other agents out there.

    And did he really believe burning down the building would stop them?
    You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.


      White Oleander

      I was shocked to learn there are more than one agent and bldg. What you can learn by reading the paper!


        Originally posted by DTS View Post
        I was shocked to learn there are more than one agent and bldg. What you can learn by reading the paper!

        Well, although I have never seen it in print, I figured there were at least 50 agents. One for each state. And I know for a fact that there is at least one other bldg. It is is Washington D.C.
        You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.


          If he only owed $300k and

          had $4 mill in an offshore account why not just pay the IRS and be done with it?

          What an idiot!!!


            this is why

            I had my public records sealed when I was auditing (DMV, Passport, etc). I didn't need some yahoo like this tracking my wife and I down. People thought I was paranoid, but this might change some minds. Anyone else notice if he gets hit with the fine, in addition to the 10K they took from him, he'll end up paying almost all the liability anyway?
            "Congress has spoken to this issue through its audible silence."
            Anyone ever notice they beat the daylights out of the definition of a child, but they don't spend much time at all defining "parent"?


              He Could Just Hang In There

              ...until next January and then get a last-minute Presidential pardon.

              That sort of thing seems to be in vogue for offshore tax expatriots being
              pursued by IRS.

