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Department of Labor Audits

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    Had a Wage and Labor Audit

    Years ago as a manager not as a Tax Pro. The main issue was overtime pay. We had exempt and non-exempt salaried personnel. It was gruesome to say the least. I believe the audit came about when I fired an exempt manager. Despite it starting in my department the extra money paid out wasn't that bad. Our work practices were well documented and the transistion from non-exempt to exempt was clear-cut. I hope your client has good records and an employee handbook.
    In other words, a democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it.
    Alexis de Tocqueville


      I read the notice today. They are pretty much asking for what August said they would. Payroll records, tax returns, cash disbursements, canceled checks. They are also asking for corporate charter and minutes. I know they don't have the minutes. Says it is a random audit. He told me he did not need me to come to it... I would really like to though. I process his payroll checks so I should be.

      Snag I remember your post now about that audit where they reclassified. I've got to look back at his subs for that year.

      Dave, doubt he has an employee handbook.


        Dany, the corporate charter and minutes are not really much. I'm not a CPA, or EA but I plan on taking taking that test next year. But I found a CPA in my area that I work with. I send him some work during the year. What's nice about this relationship is that when I have a problem we sit down face to face and go over it and he’s a great help in figuring out what I need to do. This board is great but there is nothing like a face to face meeting. I've been in business since 1985 and this is the third one I've worked with. The first I met at church, the second was a business associate in an unrelated field and this one had an ad in the newspaper opening a new office and looked like he could use some new business. Called him up, we met and that was about 7 years ago. I pay for his services at a discount and add it to my fee. But I’ve built a $100,000+ business using that model. Try it - it just might work for you.


          So glad that you mentioned this and thanks for the advice.

          I been thinking this pass week about what I am bringing in net for my tax business. After 8 years in business I feel like I should be making more. I am grateful for what I have but I have greatly under priced myself. I need to "network" with people more and not just sit waiting for people to come to me. Referrals have been great but I don't seem to be getting enough in.

          I read a post in here about advertising and getting new clients. I am thinking about joining the chamber of commerce. I've never really considered it because I really feel like I would not fit in. But it is worth a try. Notice where Bart mentioned about a neon sign in the window. I am considering that. I also need to get started back to church. Things happened at my home church and I have not been back. Would be good to meet some new people... not just for business.

          If I could hook up with a local CPA and maybe even get some bookkeeping biz from that it would be wonderful. The last two CPAs I dealt with were "old timers" here in town. Don't mean anything by that but they really acted like they could care less about getting new business or helping me out. Let a bad taste in mouth after dealing with them.

