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Non-Profit Organization

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    Non-Profit Organization

    Is anyone here familiar with non-profit organization tax requirements?


    A church fellowship takes donation from members and use it for the activity expenses. What filing or reporting requirements does the fellowship have?

    Also, the fellowship donates to a pastor who uses the donation for his mission activities. Is there any filing or reporting requirement for it?

    Thank you for the help.

    A religious organization generally has no IRS reporting requirements.


    • The organization engages in unrelated business activities.
    • The organization pays employees.
    • The organization pays independent contractors to perform services.


      Originally posted by Bees Knees View Post
      A religious organization generally has no IRS reporting requirements.


      • The organization engages in unrelated business activities.
      • The organization pays employees.
      • The organization pays independent contractors to perform services.
      Thank you.

      As for the pastor, since he is not a 'charitable organization' but he is taking 'donation' from the fellowship, is there reporting requirement on his part? Does the fellowship have to give him a Form 1099-misc or something?


        If he is submitting expenses to the church for reimbursement, there is no reporting.

        If he is under a vow of poverty and receives a small stipend for doing volunteer work, there is no reporting.

        If he is being paid by the church to do the work, he gets a 1099 or W-2 from the church.

        If he receives a gift with no strings attached (meaning he would do the same work with or without the gift), there is no reporting.

