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Coffee after Gas Fillup

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    Coffee after Gas Fillup

    Let's see,,,,I pay 4.59 per gallon,,,that will move a 3000 lb piece of equipment plus six people 22 miles.

    I go in and pay my gas bill, complaining about the high cost, I then go over and grab an 8 ounce cup for coffee and "filler her up", go over and pay the man $1.25,,,,no problem.

    Let's see 8 Oz. = 16 cups of coffee per gallon @ 1.25 = $20.00 for flavored hot water.

    Don't mind that so bad as I can go a lot futher on a cup of coffee.
    Last edited by RLymanC; 06-07-2008, 11:08 PM.
    Confucius say:
    He who sits on tack is better off.

    How about buying


    Fifteen billion dollars a year. LOL


      Coffee after gas fill-up

      But, how many are foregoing that coffee now because of the cost of the fuel?

      In my community, many are commuting 60 miles to their job in a larger city. Sure the pay is good, but that was when fuel was about a $1.50 a gallon, about $45 per week at 20MPG.

      Now with fuel approaching $4.00 per gallon, the fuel cost is $120 per week. Unless their salaries have increased, that extra $75 per week has to be coming from somewhere.
      Jiggers, EA


        Fuel Cost

        I was smug for about 3 years when I first bought My Honda Accord. It would only cost less than $20 to fill up. It was a big change from a Ford Windstar. I bought a Windstar for my daughter which takes about $80 to fill up now. Now it takes about $38 to fill up the Accord.
        I buy gas when the tank is half full. It doesnt seem to be so much. I ignore the price per gallon and look at the price it takes to full up. My only regret is not buying a more fuel efficient vehicle for my daughter. Her husband's truck take $150 to fill up
        The world is being forced to alternative fuels and this situation is the beginning of the end for the oil companies, owners of oil wells, and the likes. The day is fast approaching when the owners can drink their oil.


          Feel lucky. My accord just cost over $62 to fill up. Our gas in Sacramento is higher than even LA and SF. In the small towns in the hills its hitting 5 bucks a gallon. And I'm sure more than anyone is paying in the midwest or south.


            Has anyone heard of a mileage rate increase from IRS yet??????
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              Now that's a GOOD question

              Originally posted by BOB W View Post
              Has anyone heard of a mileage rate increase from IRS yet??????
              So now, everybody post here: answer two questions:
              1. what will the new rate be
              2. what date will it be effective?

              This is a poll.
              Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


                I say> .65 and 1/1/08
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                Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.

