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Jury Duty Pay

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    Jury Duty Pay

    I have a client that served 5 days on a jury and received 300 dollars, she has 2 employers - both paid her for the 5 days of time missed. She in turn gave $150 dollars to each employer. My question is was dividing the money the proper way to handle this or should one employer received the whole amount and where should this be deducted on the 1040.

    Thanking you in advance - Jim S.

    Seems to me

    Originally posted by jim s View Post
    I have a client that served 5 days on a jury and received 300 dollars, she has 2 employers - both paid her for the 5 days of time missed. She in turn gave $150 dollars to each employer. My question is was dividing the money the proper way to handle this or should one employer received the whole amount and where should this be deducted on the 1040.

    Thanking you in advance - Jim S.
    that if both employers are satisfied, she should be too, and she did the right thing.

    but really, 300$???? That's 60$ per day! wow.
    Down here it's only 10$ per day.
    Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


      Ever think of how it would feel to be in court knowing that your fate is being decided by someone who isn't sharp enough to get out of jury duty?
      "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


        Originally posted by jim s View Post
        I....and where should this be deducted on the 1040.

        Thanking you in advance - Jim S.
        Look at 1040 instructions ... the pay is added on line 21 and the refund to employers is included on line 36 with notation Jury Pay. Anyone know how long it has been this way? I never get any clients that serve on juries or at least remembering they did Do federal courts since out any kind of 1099 or other form of jury pay that goes to the IRS?


          Rate Per Day

          Well if in Calif, the Federal Rate Jury Duty could equal $60 per day with mileage.

          And John H, in Calif it is hard now to get out of jury duty whether it be County or Federal, it is almost mandatory. Self employed doesn't work so well anymore, they still make you spend a day hanging around the "waiting room" before you can be dismissed, and they will still summon you to a Courtroom, and then listen to your pleas of being foregiven from the jury summons.

          Used to be if you were over 70 you were automatically dismissed, well not anymore in Calif!

          We moved from Calif to NC in October 07 and both my husband and I had received summons to appear for jury duty. My husband wasn't supposed to receive any more as he was over 70, but guess what, he did. For 6 months now, I have been returning the summons, stating that we are no longer Calif residents and moved 2500 miles. Has that stopped California, NO!.

          We will wait to see what happens in NC!



            More on jury duty avoidance

            Originally posted by JohnH View Post
            Ever think of how it would feel to be in court knowing that your fate is being decided by someone who isn't sharp enough to get out of jury duty?
            I've spent a lot of time in courts (long story) and generally find that most people see jury duty as a civic duty and take the job QUITE seriously.

            OTOH, those who use the "Don't bother me with that....I'm too important" approach probably should not be sitting on a jury in the first place!

            As for the referenced $60 fees, I cannot imagine any (nearby) state jury fees being that high. Perhaps for federal court or for federal grand jury. I believe the going daily (state) rate here is $12-$15.

            I agree with snowbird on the proper treatment of the jury duty pay and employer reimbursement. Although I do not know, for a fact, but I would seriously doubt if any Forms 1099 ever go flying for jury duty. And a very large number of my clients DO report jury duty pay on their tax returns.



              Mileage is not jury duty so take that part out of line 21.

              I've never seen a 1099 since I've been doing taxes - decades.

