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What costs are included with your tax software?

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    What costs are included with your tax software?

    I am a user of Taxslayer software and have been for a number of years. Taxslayer has increased the software price and offers us a free download for the upcoming tax year. This year, I'll have to incur a $25.00 fee to have the software disc shipped to me if I forego the download. In addition, since I am in Georgia, as is Taxslayer, I incur the sales tax payment. When I voiced my opinion about the shipping costs, I'm told other companies have done this for years. Since it has been years since I purchased another product, perhaps, I am out of touch and you guys have been paying for S&H. I thought most companies offered this as an incentive when you ordered early.

    I am not out of touch about costs as I see increases in all industries. I do want to know though, if I am still getting a lot of bang for my buck or if I should begin to investigate other alternatives.

    I have a fulltime job in another industry. My tax business prepares about 80-100 returns per year. I work out of my home and new clients are from referrals. I have rarely done a Partnership or Corporation and know that this is an area I need to explore to grow my business. However, I am not there yet, but retirement is not too far off and I can devote more time fully to the tax business.

    Please share with me what your costs are and if I'm being nonsensical to inquire about the increases being done by Taxslayer. Could be I am riding a gravy train and don't know it.



    My Exoerience

    Ultratax charges extra if you want to get the major updates on CDs. I think the fee is $25 per year. I do not remember whether there was a charge to receive the initial copy of the program on a CD. On the other hand TRX -Orrtax does not offer updates on CD and does not charge to send you the initial copy on CD. I am looking closely at Drake. I believe they charge if you want updates on CD but do not charge to give you the initial program on CD.


      Drake does not charge (at least not yet) for shipping the program on CD. They recommend that you download updates daily. During this year they sent out one update CD and will send a final release CD.

      Unfortunately, they are doing away with the owner's manual - it will be in electronic version. Also, beginning this year, they will have to begin charging sales tax to everyone. This is something that I expect all companies will be forced to do. The one good point is that they are not charging for the back years that the states are collecting. They will take care of that part - something not many companies will do.

      Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".



        charges S&H I think I got 3 discs by mail. I also pay sales tax. One thing that just tickles me is; I get LaCerte at no extra charge on a PPR. Those fine people over at Intuit DHL LaCerte discs to me and I pay nothing. I don't remember how much shipping is for Proseries but whatever was there must be enough margin to cover LaCerte. One last thing about Proseries is I can order an archive disc in Nov. or so that is the final disc.(No charge)


          Taxwise charges $50 shipping and sales tax. I download all updates. They only disks they send out is the first one at beginning of tax season and then one at the end.


            ATX charges for shipping now that they are owned by CCH, and you get a disc at the beginning and the end. None during the year anymore (although I didn't need 'em since DSL). I think shipping is $69.


              If you can get a download free

              why would you want a disk? Lacerte sends me disks even though I get downloads and I wish they wouldn't. I pretty much throw them in the garbage.


                I like having the disks.

                Especially now that I need to change over to a new computer. I just don't see how shipping a disk would cost $25. I realize other factors are involved. I download all of my updates, so downloading is not quite my issue.

                Seems most of you have always paid S&H. There's really little incentive any more to renew early. Taxslayer offers a lot for the price, even with the price increase, but I don't want to incur additional fees for mailing. I am not beyond change, have no problem with it, just wanted to get others opinion.

                I appreciate all of your comments.



                  Originally posted by thomtax View Post
                  Also, beginning this year, they will have to begin charging sales tax to everyone.

                  Not Everyone.


                    I do like getting discs because when I hang them in my cherry trees it keeps the birds from eating the cherries. Now that I don't get AOL discs every week and lots of updates, I have to buy shiny stuff to put in the trees.


                      Originally posted by Davc View Post
                      Not Everyone.
                      Perhaps you would care to explain where you come up with a statement like this, without giving any explanation to go with it.

                      The last correspondence received from Drake is that if your state has sales tax, they understood that they must charge sales tax. At that time they had an attorney group in Atlanta looking for specifics. Of course, if you are a non-profit or some special situation, this might not apply, but the majority of the board here are not "special needs situations".
                      Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".


                        Originally posted by thomtax View Post
                        if your state has sales tax,
                        He might mean exactly that.


                          Yuk Yuk

                          Originally posted by joanmcq View Post
                          I do like getting discs because when I hang them in my cherry trees it keeps the birds from eating the cherries. Now that I don't get AOL discs every week and lots of updates, I have to buy shiny stuff to put in the trees.
                          I can send you mine.

