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    OK, I was with one of those companies for 11 years that gave me free education. So, now that I'm on my own, what do you recommend? I do take several IRS telephone forums each year. On line is convenient. But, a classroom once in a while would be good for the interaction. I'm in CT, greater NYC area. And, I'd like to find something for my assistant, pretty much a beginner, who does prefer a classroom environment. I used to recommend HRB for beginners, but I've heard that they now require you sign a pledge to not work for anyone other than them! Is that so?

    IRS Tax Forums

    I have attended the IRS Tax Forums the past 4 years and am going again this August. I find them very enlightening with lots of opportunities to explore areas of interest. Many software and related vendors have booths which is nice since you can compare the various products. I believe if you can pick up about 25 CPE hours of relevant information. Visit the IRS website for specifics. City locations (including NYC) and dates are already published and available for registration.


      Originally posted by Lion View Post
      OK, I was with one of those companies for 11 years that gave me free education. So, now that I'm on my own, what do you recommend? I do take several IRS telephone forums each year. On line is convenient. But, a classroom once in a while would be good for the interaction. I'm in CT, greater NYC area. And, I'd like to find something for my assistant, pretty much a beginner, who does prefer a classroom environment. I used to recommend HRB for beginners, but I've heard that they now require you sign a pledge to not work for anyone other than them! Is that so?
      I think they do decline enrollees that may work for others or they reserve the right not to allow you in the class. I sat through the intro, but never ended up taking their class.

      Maybe someone who has taken their class recently knows more?


        Recommend IRS Forum

        The IRS forum is a good place to start. Good CPE for 3 days. Reasonable price. Especially for me since I am so close to Orlando, I can drive back and forth and not have to pay for hotels.

        My one suggestions is to look carefully at who is the speaker at the different sessions. If you see Beanna Whitlock listed, GO! Her sessions are the best! Usually any NATP or NSTP speakers are good.
        If it is an IRS representative, go the other way. They are dry and just recite what is in the book. Usually have nothing else to add. Give a lot of statistics that don't help with tax prep.

        But I have gone since 2001 and every year I learn something new.

        Linda F


          Dear feline friend,

          Originally posted by Lion View Post
          ...a classroom once in a while would be good...I'm in CT...I'd like to find something for my assistant...who does prefer a classroom environment...
          Bob Jennings has a seminar goin' at Little Rock in June, although I'm not just real sure if that's part of your CT area (Cotton Trail, isn't it?) -- I was thinkin' that was in the Carolinas.


            H&R Block Course

            I think they do decline enrollees that may work for others or they reserve the right not to allow you in the class.
            From their website ...

            "This course is not intended for, nor open to any persons who are either currently employed by or seeking employment with any professional tax preparation company or organization other than H&R Block. During the course, should H&R Block learn of any student's employment or intended employment with a competing professional tax preparation company or service, H&R Block reserves the right to immediately cancel the student's enrollment. In the event of such cancellation, the student may not be entitled to a refund of fees paid. State restrictions may apply. Please see local course curriculum for details."


              Great Ideas

              Those are all helpful ideas. I've checked on the IRS NYC. The CT chapter of NAEA has good speakers, including ethics. I do a few IRS phone forums. Need to find something for my assistant. Might take her to NYC or NAEA. Think I'll check the community college schedules, too. And, Bart, I'm willing to travel. Looked at Chicago, so I can look in on my sister. But, south of the Mason-Dixon line in the fall would be nice.


                Originally posted by Lion View Post
                Those are all helpful ideas. I've checked on the IRS NYC. The CT chapter of NAEA has good speakers, including ethics. I do a few IRS phone forums. Need to find something for my assistant. Might take her to NYC or NAEA. Think I'll check the community college schedules, too. And, Bart, I'm willing to travel. Looked at Chicago, so I can look in on my sister. But, south of the Mason-Dixon line in the fall would be nice.
                Recommend NATP -- has annual 1040 and 1040 Extra workshops all over US in the fall, plus others on partnerships, corporations, etc, plus annual conference in different US locale each year such as Atlanta, DC, Las Vegas, etc.. Once signed up you are automatically enrolled in NY chapter (your state.) NY is one of the biggest chapters and most active in NATP, they do a dog-and-pony show and go all over the state for their annual meeting/education seminars. As a member, you get one free research question per year from the NATP research staff, plus small fee for addl ones and is well worth it. You also get dues credits for signing up new members once you are a member so that would be your staff.


                  I go to this every year in November.

                  This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

                  Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.



                    If you ever have the opportunity to go to a seminar given by David Mellem and his wife, please don't miss it!! He is absolutely fantastic. You will enjoy every moment. If you go and don't agree, I'll send you a can of Spam!!



                      I would recomend Joy Wilen from Wilen & Assoc.


                        Bob W

                        Originally posted by BOB W View Post
                        I go to this every year in November.

                        How much does this cost? Do you go all 3 days. It is a CPA seminar, are EA cpe given? Thanks in advance.


                          Originally posted by drdino View Post
                          How much does this cost? Do you go all 3 days. It is a CPA seminar, are EA cpe given? Thanks in advance.
                          Early bird is about 650 for non members 750 otherwise. Cpa or EA is about 650. Food included. IRS is also there for 1st day presentation. Most speakers are very good, even the IRS speakers. They give a selection of about 8 different topics for the day to pick 4 that you will attend. This goes on for 3 days. Yes I attend all 3 days. 24 credits for the 3 days.

                          I attended my first in 2005 and wouldn't have it any other way. Very cost effective considering what some seminar's cost with no food.
                          This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

                          Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


                            I do the basic Krusemark course that is available online for like $65. That meets all of my required hours with the ethics and it comes with proof. Then, I do a bunch of other research and listen in on the free IRS teleconferences and I don't worry about the hours because it is taken care of. I have attended local IRS conferences and found them to be 4 hours long and 30 minutes of material I cared about (every time there has been a man or woman obsessed with appearing important to everyone by asking stupid questions and telling stories about his clients). I'd prefer to spend my time reading a few IRS guides for areas important to me and not worry about collecting documented hours.

                            My state does a forum and I WILL be attending that one this year. The state returns seem to be more difficult to get good information on than the federal.


                              What you have cited

                              Originally posted by DonPriebe View Post
                              From their website ...

                              "This course is not intended for, nor open to any persons who are either currently employed by or seeking employment with any professional tax preparation company or organization other than H&R Block. During the course, should H&R Block learn of any student's employment or intended employment with a competing professional tax preparation company or service, H&R Block reserves the right to immediately cancel the student's enrollment. In the event of such cancellation, the student may not be entitled to a refund of fees paid. State restrictions may apply. Please see local course curriculum for details."
                              pertains only to HRB's BASIC income tax course. Non-Block individuals can take their advanced courses which cover the gamut and are generally well-written.
                              Just because I look dumb does not mean I am not.

