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EA Renewal Problem

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    EA Renewal Problem

    First I got the letter reminding me that it was time to renew my EA status. I think that might have come in Nov or Dec of 07 so I never got around to acting on it. (My bad) Then on Sat March 29 I got a letter saying that if they did not get my application and check by Monday March 31 I would go on inactive status. So I complete the application and overnight a certified check and the application and they receive it on 1 April. I got my card and heaved a sigh of relief. But then yesterday I got a letter saying that they never got my application and I am on inactive status. I currently am waiting for them to call me back. I am sure that I will end up mailing or faxing a letter.

    My big question is this. The newest letter says I cannot represent people in front of the IRS or hold myself out as an EA until this problem is resolved. Given that I have my card, can I safely ignore that during the time that this problem is unresolved?
    Last edited by erchess; 04-20-2008, 02:18 PM.

    I would guess that things crossed in the mail

    The old "left hand right hand" adage was never more true than it is with today's service. The number of missapplied payments even returns posted to the wrong period never ceases to amaze me.

    We filed 2004, 05 and 06 for a new client last year. We e-filed the 2006 return. They posted 2004 correctly but treated the 2005 return as an amend of the efiled 2006 return. Each return was a balance due they applied the 2005 payment to 2006 and issued a notice of underpayment. It took nearly a year for it all to straighten out.

    Has we not prepared the 2005 return and mailed it with payment from our office it would be easy to blame the tax payer for messing it up. After all, he is a tri-annual filer.
    In other words, a democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it.
    Alexis de Tocqueville


      Big Sigh of Relief

      Once I was able to get through I was assured that all is well and that I can practice. Who knows, if I keep practicing I may get it right lol. I truly did not need the stress but I tell you what the lady I dealt with was so cordial and kind that I feel a lot better.


        I can certainly

        side with you. Sometimes if can be so very frustrating that you could just yell. And it's not that the people are obnoxious, because they're not. The service people are very polite and courteous. It's just too large to be very effective with the small population of EA's, etc. I'm sure we just can't grasp the magnitute of the whole. But that's government. It's kind of like corporate life -- we have to document everything and keep records, or it'll come back to haunt us.
        So glad you got things worked out.


          Thank You Larry

          for the kind and empathetic words. This incident was not good for my blood pressure but I have to say a major part of the problem is that I did not send the application and check when I was supposed to because I resent having to send the check.



            I wish I could say mine has been settled as well as yours. I have a receipt from FedEx that they signed for the package, they cashed my check but nobody at the IRS is willing to admit they either received the package, cashed the check or whatever else was in the package if they did receive it. Very troubling. I hope they can figure this all out in a satisfactory manor.


              Riberts and then everyone

              Roberts,,I hope they get you straightened out soon. Can you practice and tell people you are an EA? How are you communicating with them, by phone or courier or what? I would have thought that sending by courier a copy of your original receipt, a copy of or substitute for the application form, and a copy of your canceled check would settle everything.

              Does anyone know how often problems like this come up and how long it usually takes to resolve them? It seems I am a lucky one since I applied for renewal late and thus must bear some of the responsibility for the problem and on the other hand appear to have settled the problem with one phone conversation. For that matter how many EAs renew each cycle and what resources are available to handle these renewals?


                Erchess, it

                took about 6 weeks for me to resolve my situation. My files were sent from one location to Washingtno DC for analysis and review. (geez, I felt like a fellon).


                  I had a cycle without my card. I had assurances over the phone and in writing that they had mailed it but I never saw the actual card.


                    I FINALLY got through to someone. They never did return my phone call. Upon giving them my enrollment number they said I was active and was active 2 days before they sent me this last letter informing me that I'm not currently active. )

                    One of those left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing things?

                    She said the card will come in the next few weeks. I don't have a clue where my last card ended up!


                      Problem with renewal......

                      Watch it when completing the Form 8554 in renewing your application as an EA.

                      The NO boxes are first, then the YES boxes. Just the reverse of most applications.

                      I answered YES when I should have answered NO.

                      When I didn't receive my renewal I called. I was looking at the application while on hold and saw the mistake. I told a very nice lady that I made a very STUPID mistake on the application and she said that she had a very tall stack with the same problem. I just had to make a correction on the original and FAX it to her. I am waiting for the card now.
                      Jiggers, EA

