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NonTax - I'm losing it

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    NonTax - I'm losing it

    Originally posted by veritas View Post
    best to ask The Man with The Yellow Hat.
    When I can't concentrate and sit here and laugh - all by myself thank God - for 5 minutes about something so stupid I know I need Tuesday to be here. It's too far away and not far enough at the same time.

    Like someone else said - How do you spell relief:

    A P R I L 1 5 t h

    Boy I need it!

    I'm going to have to check into rehab to get all the caffeine outta my system.


      Originally posted by Jesse View Post
      How do you spell relief

      I finished all my extensions yesterday and am not even going to try to get another 1040 done by Tuesday. I'm expecting the calmest April 14th of my career tomorrow.
      "Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society." ~ Mark Skousen


        Originally posted by Jesse View Post
        When I can't concentrate and sit here and laugh - all by myself thank God - for 5 minutes about something so stupid I know I need Tuesday to be here. It's too far away and not far enough at the same time.

        Like someone else said - How do you spell relief:

        A P R I L 1 5 t h

        Boy I need it!
        How do I spell relief: V A C A T I O N!!


          I know you will think I am crazy, but when I get glassy-eyed from doing tax returns, I sign onto this board to relax.


            I always

            I always think I am not going to make it, and this year boy, I really think I am not going to make it.

            I can't wait for 5PM on 4/15/08.

            I have been emailing for info, receiving, and filing extensions all day on Sunday, and miles to go.

            Still have business returns in front of me, which are going on extension

            Same old clients always at the last minute, a few of them I am so tired of their nonense, that I am just emailing or faxing the blank extension forms and telling them to fill in the amount they want to pay. They don't listen to me anyway! They never think they owe any amounts of money, so they can just pay the underpayments as always, and the late pays.

            Why was it so difficult this year?



              Sandy - I don't know about you, but my season was harder because the clients didn't start coming in until the middle of March, and then it was a swarm. Have no reason why.


                Burke, I know what you mean, but I am promising myself that I will NOT even turn on my computer next weekend. Garden, here I come (of course it got downright HOT just in time for me to have a chance to go outside. I've even had to turn on the AC in my upstairs office).



                  Well Almost, would you believe I have a 2004 return to get out tomorrow??!!! Same person last year with a 2003 return, just brought the final info over wednesday and probably a refund due as last year...A non-filer I have been trying to get caught up for the past two years...Garnishments on bank account and wages and still procrasinates...

                  33 extensions done done done!! I am not rushing and going crazy this year, almost lost it last year...I just told those late March folks, you are on EXTENSION!!!

                  I will probably work the rest of the week (after the 16th) and move some of those easy ones on extension...Taking all of May off!! WHOOPIE!! This was a tough year with more than expected clients...

                  Hi Joan!! I do not miss the craziness at you know where...


                    Hi Benita! I did the same thing; told them I will work up your return to determine if you owe..but you are going on extension. Like get to the point where you enter all the income and enough expenses to get them to refund, and then just stop and file the extension. I was churning them out like gangbusters all day saturday and most of yesterday. I have about 20 on extension, and am going to weed whack roommates that were supposed to do it got some done yesterday, and then she got a call that her mother and grandmother were in a bad car accident and both of them (a couple) took off for Fresno. So my riding mower doesn't have a belt on it because it broke and David was going to get a new one today, but he's in fresno...and the city gives me guessed it APRIL 15 to get my field mowed.

