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E-File Authorization Forms

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    E-File Authorization Forms

    How strict are you folks with obtaining BOTH Federal and State e-file authorization forms (when the state has a Federal equivalent)?
    I'm from New York that mandates practitioners to e-file.
    Some of my mail in clients will send back only the Federal 8879 not realizing there's a state form. I always put a separate instruction sheet on the state form in the package separate from the Federal one.
    Eventually, after I call the client and request it, I'll get the state form.
    But would you hold up the e-file processing until you actually get the State e-file form - or do you assume that if they approved the Federal one, it's automatic for State?
    Uncle Sam, CPA, EA. ARA, NTPI Fellow

    I don't have many of the "mail in" clients, so things are different for me. Also, I am not in New York, but I always get the state form at the same time as the federal. Having said that, I have never had either one want to see a copy of the signed form.

    Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".



      accepts the federal Form 8879 beginning this year 2007.


        In a similar fashion

        Beginning this weekend I am accepting 1 signature on the 8879 for out of state clients. I'm faxing the form and getting 1 signature to process the return. Then with the 1040/state & other docs, I mail them to the client. Both tp & spouse then sign original 8879 and mail back.


          I get ALL signed!

          I've encountered several states, such as VA, that have their own version of 8879 (or even 8453). When dealing with a mail return, I just print both forms, staple them together, and say "sign all of them!" and return them to me in the SSAE. (Multi-state NR/PYR returns might require an additional stamp.)

          Even for e-mail returns (saves a LOT of trees!) I send them back the form(s) with instructions that I must have the printed/signed form(s) eventually returned to me. I will transmit with an electronic copy (PDF or whatever) of the signed forms in my possession.

          But not even for my own mother will I transmit a return without authorized signatures on the required form(s).

          As for "accepting one form" automatically, I'm not sure that is a prudent way to go.



            While on the subject of state efile auth forms. What's the practical difference between a CA-8453 and a CA-8879? I assume they're phasing away from the former to the latter which has PIN numbers like a federal 8879 does. But as far as how they're handled it seems exactly the same. Get it signed and put it in a drawer, neither gets mailed anyway. Is there some reason for having both?

