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eFile Problem 250

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    eFile Problem 250

    Anyone getting this "explanation" for a rejected eFile? We've had two in the last couple of days.

    Looks like this is related to an economic stimulus payment return.

    0250 o Forms 1040/1040A - Economic Stimulus Payment return cannot
    have Taxable Income (SEQ 0820) or Total Tax (SEQ 1150). A
    non-stimulus tax return should be filed.

    The code was added in change #13 to the file specification list on 3/18/2008. There was an IRS quick alert or something on this (I don't have it available at home though). If I recall right, there were issues when the exemptions and standard deduction was left off the return that would trigger this. To fix it, you basically were to add back the deductions and exemption as if you were filing a normal return.

    If this isn't a stimulus return there's probably a checkbox somewhere that got marked marking it as one. Or it could be that IRS is having issues.


      Thanks! That was the problem.

      I'm surprised we haven't had more of those because for about a week our software had an incorrect critical diagnostic telling us to check that box when we didn't need to.

