I work full-time and am an indepdendent contractor on the side part time. Checks for my work are made out to me, and the companies I work for will provide a 1099 at the end of the year.
Should I do anything with estimated tax payments? I don't know how to estimate them being my first year and nothing to base it on. If I don't, won't this pretty much eliminate the refund I would get from my primary job, since the money I owe for this income on 1099 hasn't yet been taxed? Please advise how I can make this as smooth and painless as possible.
Should I do anything with estimated tax payments? I don't know how to estimate them being my first year and nothing to base it on. If I don't, won't this pretty much eliminate the refund I would get from my primary job, since the money I owe for this income on 1099 hasn't yet been taxed? Please advise how I can make this as smooth and painless as possible.