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More than One Client at a Time

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    More than One Client at a Time

    TRX Pro will not allow more than one return for a given year to be open at a time. I find this to be an inconvenience at times, especially when dealing with a couple filing separately or a parent and child. Do other software companies impose the same restriction and are they perhaps required by the IRS to do so?

    Drake does for 2007

    I agree. This is usually a major inconvenience. Drake has modified their software this year to allow multiple instances of the software open on each workstation. As well as the parent/child situation, I find it useful to keep large complex returns open on one instance, while using another to handle quick walk-ins.


      Same Here

      I have the same complaint, particularly when working on a Partnership or S Corp and the the individuals, and opening and closing the returns, or the "kiddie tax"

      I can't tell you how many reams of paper I have printed out, to accomplish the final return at the 1040 level, or vice versa.

      Guess that will be a suggestion I put at the top of the list for my software this year. I have the same problem with Quickbooks.



        I'd like to have more than one copy open as well. I kind of understand the logic behind only allowing one open, I'd be lying if I didn't admit to having two returns open in my software and typing everything in the wrong one for a few minutes before I realized it. Or having two years open and typing everything on the wrong year.

        Perhaps when you try to open a second it should give you a warning that one is already open and do you want to open a second return anyway?

