I have a customer that came to me last Thursday about filing tax years 2003 to 2007. I told him I would have to do a 8821 and get the transcripts for the IRS for the previous years since he has no information. He is wanting to file for 2007.
My question is would it be best to wait and do all the returns at once? This is what I usually do. He is wanting me to go ahead and do 2007 return. I feel like if I wait or don't wait any refund he gets will be applied towards the other years. I know he will probably owe because there are some 1099-Misc hanging out there. I think he is wanting to get 2007 done to get the stimulus rebate. I don't know but that may also be applied towards past tax years.
Kind of tired and hope that made a little sense. I would appreciate any comments.
Thank you
My question is would it be best to wait and do all the returns at once? This is what I usually do. He is wanting me to go ahead and do 2007 return. I feel like if I wait or don't wait any refund he gets will be applied towards the other years. I know he will probably owe because there are some 1099-Misc hanging out there. I think he is wanting to get 2007 done to get the stimulus rebate. I don't know but that may also be applied towards past tax years.
Kind of tired and hope that made a little sense. I would appreciate any comments.
Thank you