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Is the Sky Falling?

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    Is the Sky Falling?

    Man o man I go away for a couple weeks to work on this little thing called Tax Season and I get a little free time and decided to check up on the gang and boy am I perplexed. What is all this talk of segmenting the board and including these types and not including those types? I am confused if I am one of those or one of these? I just want the old message board back the one I left in January, if you find it please point me in the right direction. thanks

    I guess I will go back to my tax deferred exchanges and other interesting items.

    We've decided to exclude all do-it-yourselfers. Professionals only. If you have Googled this website looking for free tax advice because you can't figure out what Turbo Tax is asking, you have come to the wrong site.


      Originally posted by Bees Knees View Post
      We've decided to exclude all do-it-yourselfers. Professionals only. If you have Googled this website looking for free tax advice because you can't figure out what Turbo Tax is asking, you have come to the wrong site.
      1) Who's We? We as in Bees Knees or We as in Brad.

      2) I am pretty sure after 800 some odd posts I am still not here for free tax advice. I will admit from time to time I will ask a dumb question or two but it is always in regards to a clients situation not my own.

      I simply posted because I had been a little MIA for awhile and was shocked to see what has happened to the place. Kind of like when you have a vacation property and don't go there for awhile you are shocked to see all the changes around.


        Primary Forum for posting questions regarding tax issues. Message Board participants can then respond to your questions. You can also respond to questions posted by others. Please use the Contact Us link above for customer support questions.

        Sea-tax - This is the discussion by various posters when asked for opinions.


          Originally posted by Jesse View Post

          Sea-tax - This is the discussion by various posters when asked for opinions.
          Thanks Jesse I read that earlier I just don't understand all the complaining.
          You go to a free tax questions site and then are upset that people are asking............... questions! The audacity of some people !

          Just for full discloser I am a tax pro -currently EA status, I have bought the TTB the last two years including the all states book. I think I am the prototypical person that Brad has in mind as a patron of the Tax Book and its products. But I have been wrong before.


            Originally posted by sea-tax View Post
            2) I am pretty sure after 800 some odd posts I am still not here for free tax advice. I will admit from time to time I will ask a dumb question or two but it is always in regards to a clients situation not my own.
            Nobody is trying to exclude you or any of the other contributors on this board. We (the majority of those who do contribute on this board) have taken a poll and the majority of us have said we will not answer questions from the general public (those who do not prepare taxes for clients).


              Originally posted by sea-tax View Post
              Thanks Jesse I read that earlier I just don't understand all the complaining.
              You go to a free tax questions site and then are upset that people are asking............... questions! The audacity of some people !
              There is a difference between answering a question from a colleague wanting to know how to handle an installment note repossession, and a do-it-yourselfer wanting to know what a 1099-G is used for.

              Either ask “the box,” (the box TurboTax came in) or pay a professional to do the return.


                [QUOTE=sea-tax;56444Just for full discloser I am a tax pro -currently EA status, I have bought the TTB the last two years including the all states book. I think I am the prototypical person that Brad has in mind as a patron of the Tax Book and its products. But I have been wrong before.[/QUOTE]

                Seatax, I am shocked that you even consider yourself as maybe not a valuable member of this board. In my eyes you are among the most valuable ones. I am really sorry that some professionals get the impression they might not be welcome anymore.


                  Originally posted by Gabriele View Post
                  Seatax, I am shocked that you even consider yourself as maybe not a valuable member of this board. In my eyes you are among the most valuable ones. I am really sorry that some professionals get the impression they might not be welcome anymore.
                  Gab thanks that means a lot

                  Unfortunately from what I have been reading it sounds as if I choose to answer questions from DIY's I will then be put on some kind of informal 86ed list or blackballed. Meaning I will get no response when I need some advice
                  Personally those of you who have been here awhile know that I tend to in my slower times of year answer more questions than I ask. In fact I feel like a answer a lot more. Now if this is going to prevent me the benefit of this great resource just because I don't mind answering the DIY's of the world that truly is a shame.

                  This year alone I have counted 25 new clients that all came from TT or some other DIY software. I thank Intuit everyday for creating this benefit for me. Plus do to this software my audit representation work is up and for that I am paid nicely.
                  My point is that Diy's are not all bad it is just in how you look at it. You can either change with the times or spend your whole life fighting an uphill battle. I choose the first.

