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    I think it is a pliable solution to a vexing problem. I am on other boards and they don't seem to have this situation. It must be a google thing. Anyway, I have another suggestion for improvements to the board. How would I relay this to the TTB board authorities? I don't wish to post it here.


      "Well said...nothing to add" as JohnH put it. Indeed!

      Originally posted by abby View Post

      ...And, this IS a community. A community where we get to know each other a bit, a place where we are pleased to see posts from certain folks we've come to know and trust, and those we've come to think of as virtual friends. I do have to state that the balance of the board is important to me, and I would be greatly sorry to see all off topic discussion banned. I don't think it's going to be banned, but I think it's important to defend it. You are all in my virtual office, and sometimes we meet at the water cooler or take a coffee break. An occasional mention of our personal situation, history or talents, or a discussion of the weather, show of concern for those in a disaster area or in ill health, a wish for a happy holiday, a bit of humor, these are all seasoning for the tax stew and add flavor and nourishment to our day. The moderators have cautioned against profanity, mean comments and politics. I think we're good for the rest.

      Last, thanks to The TaxBook folks for the astounding sense of care, stewardship and personal responsibility they put into all aspects of their product.
      There's no way to improve on this beautifully-expressed summation.


        Originally posted by daleborg View Post
        Who really is a professional? Enter your EA #? what about your NATP#? or AICPA #? Does this mean that only those with CPA or a number from an organization are professionals? A professional is a person who works at their trade or craft for the most part of a full year, ie. professional truck driver, professional race driver, etc. What about those who may work at doing tax preperation only during the tax season of Jan through April 15 and do not have CPA or EA or anything else behind their name. While some may bash the HRB's and others who hire tax preparers after going through a rigorous class and must take additional classes each year and pass tests with at least 80%, do you consider them professional tax preparers or not?
        I’m not sure why this is even a question? Look up the word professional in the dictionary. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the word is defined as follows:

        a. Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession: lawyers, doctors, and other professional people.
        b. Conforming to the standards of a profession: professional behavior.
        2. Engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career: a professional writer.
        3. Performed by persons receiving pay: professional football.
        4. Having or showing great skill; expert: a professional repair job.

        1. A person following a profession, especially a learned profession.
        2. One who earns a living in a given or implied occupation: hired a professional to decorate the house.
        3. A skilled practitioner; an expert.
        I don’t see any definition that would imply you have to work full time or have letters behind your name. When I use the term to describe someone in this business, it refers to someone who gets paid to prepare tax returns for clients.

        Originally posted by daleborg View Post
        If there are professionals on this board why do they hide behing alias names.
        Because we do not want our clients Googleing our name and discover we are talking about their tax situation on the Internet.

        We also do not want people from our town Googleing our name and recognize we are talking about their neighbor, or workmate, or cousin. That would be in violation of our professional ethical responsibilities to keep our client’s situation confidential.

        Using your real name to post questions about your client’s tax situation would be unprofessional.


          Originally posted by abby View Post
          And, this IS a community. A community where we get to know each other a bit, a place where we are pleased to see posts from certain folks we've come to know and trust, and those we've come to think of as virtual friends. I do have to state that the balance of the board is important to me, and I would be greatly sorry to see all off topic discussion banned. I don't think it's going to be banned, but I think it's important to defend it. You are all in my virtual office, and sometimes we meet at the water cooler or take a coffee break. An occasional mention of our personal situation, history or talents, or a discussion of the weather, show of concern for those in a disaster area or in ill health, a wish for a happy holiday, a bit of humor, these are all seasoning for the tax stew and add flavor and nourishment to our day. The moderators have cautioned against profanity, mean comments and politics. I think we're good for the rest.

          Last, thanks to The TaxBook folks for the astounding sense of care, stewardship and personal responsibility they put into all aspects of their product.

          Originally posted by Holland View Post
          This board is becoming a social network for lonely tax preparers who apparently have no life outside of this board.

          I prefer Abby's theory of the virtual office. I am alone in my office and am thankful to have TTB people, they complement the life I do have outside this board.


            Well said Bees

            Originally posted by Bees Knees View Post
            I’m not sure why this is even a question? Look up the word professional in the dictionary. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the word is defined as follows:

            I don’t see any definition that would imply you have to work full time or have letters behind your name. When I use the term to describe someone in this business, it refers to someone who gets paid to prepare tax returns for clients.

            Because we do not want our clients Googleing our name and discover we are talking about their tax situation on the Internet.

            We also do not want people from our town Googleing our name and recognize we are talking about their neighbor, or workmate, or cousin. That would be in violation of our professional ethical responsibilities to keep our client’s situation confidential.

            Using your real name to post questions about your client’s tax situation would be unprofessional.
            Well said Bees.


              The sticky has been removed from this thread.


                Looky here, Mewhort, you dadgum elitist, you.

                Originally posted by Holland View Post

                ...This board is becoming a social network for lonely tax preparers who apparently have no life outside of this board...At least one frequent poster reveals a lack of grammar and basic tax preparation skills...someone posting about what they are going to eat...Any other topic is...a waste of time.
                Maybe I would have a life outside this board if I lived in Waikiki like some...ahem...high-toned board members do, but Bull Shoals Lake is the only place we can get to. And about that bad grammar and know-nothing tax skills, I'd like to know who has been talkin' to you about me? I"m glad to see, however, that you're interested in my next meal -- it's gonna be a BLT and I'll return the favor by askin' "What's yours?" But don't tell me -- let me guess (I've heard a beach-bunch brunch runs toward the esoteric), maybe...ummm...a nice larrupin' plate of mashed yeast?

                Write back if you ever want some inconsequential chatter.


                  I think that is a great idea! jn


                    This is a reminder not to respond to questions from people who obviously are not in the tax profession. I have been trying to delete those posts whenever I see them, but I’ve been a bit busy lately and haven’t had a chance to monitor the board.


                      I will adhere

                      to your new rules. When I first started working for myself, I had numerous phone calls asking how to do this or that. At first I would answer half their question then ask them to come in for a review. (hoping to obtain a new customer). But it was rare to add a new customer this way. I don't mind helping non-pro's somewhat but do not want to do a return for them. I do a lot of gratis work where I live, but only for those that can not afford my service. (I deem whether they can or not) Most offer to pay, but I politely decline saying I've had much help over my lifetime. (Like this board). But, I'm at the end of my career and look at things differently than those starting out or in the prime of business or trying to grow a business such as TTB. As mentioned before, it is expensive to maintain this board, and I feel we are lucky to be able to participate here on a gratis basis. TTB owners are professionals and we should try to help them grow their business as they are helping us to grow ours. I am surprised that there is no charge for the use of TTB and I believe everyone that uses this board supports the owners wishes. Even if some disagree.
                      And I would be agreeable to where TTB would ask a non-pro for a fee to enter a question on this board. If no one on the TTB could answer the question, then it would be up to TTB owners to answer. At least this way the TTB owners could reap a little income for their efforts for us.
                      Thank you owners of TTB for your generous gift of this board.


                        Amen, Amen



                          Most acceptable.



                            This board was set up for the buyers of TTB. That is how I found it. TTB should be able to set up ANY policy they like regardless of what we think.

                            As much as each of you are caring and helpful it is a delight for a sole practioner to have someon to let their hair down with occasionally.

                            Thank you TTB for all you do for us!

