Big Charts
or other web locations will give you the sales prices at date of death, that is what you start with. If you sell all shares-DRIPS are usually kept in the company account. You can get the DRIP information from the company, I should say you stockholder client can get it. When you sell the Drip usually that is its own transaction and the company's I have found are very good in giving you records for years like 1995-present. If you have all the returns done correctly and were always in the DRIP-just add up the dividends and that is you basis, including current year dividends.
or other web locations will give you the sales prices at date of death, that is what you start with. If you sell all shares-DRIPS are usually kept in the company account. You can get the DRIP information from the company, I should say you stockholder client can get it. When you sell the Drip usually that is its own transaction and the company's I have found are very good in giving you records for years like 1995-present. If you have all the returns done correctly and were always in the DRIP-just add up the dividends and that is you basis, including current year dividends.