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    Would it be appropriate to use one 2106 for two employers? The person I have is in sales but has worked for two different employers. If I use two I will have to paper file the return.

    Two employers

    I took a quick look through instructions for 2106 and do not see this referred to. My understanding is that the 2106 is for the individual filing the return. I don't find anywhere on the 2106 where it asks for the name of the employer, etc. So, it doesn't look to me as if there is a problem with filing one form.

    You probably want to make notes of how you handle it in case of a question in the future. However, if there was a complaint, it should net out the same either way.

    Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".


      I thought

      it would probably be alright. It is the same work, on the Michigan return they do ask for a EIN but I don't think that will be a problem either if I list the employer that made the reimburstment. Thanks

