Client's son is presently in prison and working in a work release program. Employer pays the prisoner's wages to the prison. The prison deducts approzimately 40% for various reasons before putting the remainder in prisoners account.
He made approzimately $15,000 which will probably ve shown on his W2 as wages. However, he will have only received $9,000 in payment. Since payment to the prison is a requirement to be able to work would he have any recourse to reduce the full amount to just the amount he actually received through work related deductions.
He made approzimately $15,000 which will probably ve shown on his W2 as wages. However, he will have only received $9,000 in payment. Since payment to the prison is a requirement to be able to work would he have any recourse to reduce the full amount to just the amount he actually received through work related deductions.