Would you deduct office in home for an office that is used by wife for part time job as an answering service and husband is in sales and also uses the office for his sales work?
The office does meet the exclusive use test for being used for business but not all schedule C business.
He has to go to another town for weekly meetings at the company's office. There is also a small office in town that he goes to but he answers his emails from home in the mornings and figures estimates and writes up contracts from home.
She may be starting to do more of the answering service work at home in the office. At least 30 hours a week for one company and probably 20 for the one she is working with now.
But since her husband uses the office too, will that disqualify her using office in home deduction?
Linda F
The office does meet the exclusive use test for being used for business but not all schedule C business.
He has to go to another town for weekly meetings at the company's office. There is also a small office in town that he goes to but he answers his emails from home in the mornings and figures estimates and writes up contracts from home.
She may be starting to do more of the answering service work at home in the office. At least 30 hours a week for one company and probably 20 for the one she is working with now.
But since her husband uses the office too, will that disqualify her using office in home deduction?
Linda F