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Bee's Knees and other MN pros using Proseries

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    Bee's Knees and other MN pros using Proseries

    I know we are all busy but I think we can all help each other if you take about five minutes and use Proseries website to send them a message regarding their lack of understanding when it comes to fixing their products.

    I mentioned on a previous thread that, due to a Proseries programming problem, MN-1ED was rejecting with a 0298 error code (proseries had that forms info linked to the wrong line of the main M1 form). Proseries did call me and I allowed them to access my computer online to help diagnois the problem. Over a week ago (2/2/08) they called to proudly tell me that they had fixed (and tested the fix) the problem. I asked when the fix would be released. They stated in the next MN update. I asked when that was. They stated none were scheduled at this time!!!! Early this week Proseries released the MN-1PR software but did NOT attach the MN-1ED fix. The fix also was not attached to their regular Friday 1040 patches.

    I've got eight clients with these 0298 rejects sitting around. I hate to have go through the
    work of preparing a MN return for paper filing (and either mailing them to the client or having them come back). We put them in the position of waiting weeks for a refund that others get back in 6 to 10 days. We also put ourselves in postion to pay that $5.00 paper filing fee (having a software company that can't get it right isn't on the list of exceptions).

    The frustrating part really is not that Proseries made and error because they were very responsive in admitting it and fixing it. The bad part is that they are just sitting on the fix for some unknown reason causing unneede problems!!!!!!

    Thanks. The company really does respond better when they get some heat from a few different angles.

    Last edited by Mike Mac; 02-10-2008, 01:07 PM.

    I've tried several times to send them an email through their web technical support email site and keep getting an error message. Apparently they don't want to hear our complaints.

    Any suggestions for new software next year? I've been using ProSeries since 1988 and don't really have time to learn something new for next year. But apparently ProSeries has written off their MN customer base.


      If you have the big bucks>>>>>> go with the CS..... Be careful of any Intuit product. All these company owned products are spreading them too thin (too many different products) and I think they are looking to consolidate to ONE product, eventually.
      Last edited by BOB W; 02-10-2008, 03:11 PM.
      This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

      Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


        If its any consolation, the ATXers in MN are complaining they can't efile either....


          Mike: I will send an email today as well

          I had my first return with this code come up late last night. I was so confused as to why it was problem and the return was rejected. I couldn't figure out what I did wrong.

          I too am very disappointed with the prob's with ProSeries this year. This is my 4th season using it and I hate the idea of switching over to something new.

          I hate to ask what's next.


            Thanks for getting on their case as well

            When I first discovered it a three weeks ago and talked to them they actually offered to give me their Lacerte program for free for the 2007 filing year. I told them no thanks, I wanted them to fix the Proseries product instead. I don't have time during this period of the tax season to learn a new product and convert my 2006 over to a new product. I just
            finished my 100th set (one person shop with my wife helping out with the checking, etc) so I don't need additional slow downs.



              I don't know if you already know this....

              but I wanted to give an update to what I just learned. I wrote an email to ProSeries as you requested. I really gave them an earful.

              Here's the response I just received:

              "Thank you for using ProSeries Email Support. The issue with reject code 0298 has been addressed in the latest release of the MN program. Look for this update the week of 02/11/08.

              We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. "

              So if this is true, at least that one problem will be fixed soon. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!


                Thanks for the update

                Thank you for chipping in and letting Proseries know more than one person was upset with their business practices. They were going to call me when they knew a release date but that must have fallen through the cracks. In any event, my clients (and I) will be happy to get it fixed and get rid of the last of my pending pile.



                  I just

                  got off the phone with Intuit. I was told the problem "should" be fixed by mid next week. The clients I have with the Ed Exp owe the state. I have them set up with direct withdrawal on 4/15 so there is no problem with them waiting. All the Fed returns went through just fine.

