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Off-topic: Tornados

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    Off-topic: Tornados

    We've watching the news reports about the deadly tornados that have hit the South and Southeast. I know there are so many of our board friends that live in these various states and I hope you're all OK.

    Please let us know how you're doing!


    Mostly O.K.

    Hi Dennis, and appreciate your concern. This is Snaggletooth on a guest computer, hence the sign on name of "Nashville."

    I know several board members in TN, and all whom I know were out of harm's way. except for perhaps one.

    He hasn't posted in a long time, but his board name is Bo-Peep. He practices in a town called Red Boiling Springs, TN and that town was directly in the path. Don't know his real name. At least eight people died in his county, and I hope he and his family are O.K.

    My home was a little bit too far east to get in on the real action, so we only got rain.

    Thanks for your concern. The devastation included AR, MS, AL, and KY also. I'll be glad when we hear from Black Bart and Thomtax again from Arkansas.


      Glad to hear from you!

      My wife asked me how all of you were doing this morning. She knows how I care about you all from me relating stories to her from this board.

      I hope BB, Thomtax and the rest let us know, as soon as possible! I'm sorry I don't know where everyone is from, but sure hope you're all safe.

      Last edited by DTS; 02-06-2008, 02:30 PM. Reason: additional info


        The storms were all around us yesterday and last night...Not much sleep for me last night. The town just north of me was hit bad. 3 factories with lots of damage and 1 totatly destroyed. Lots of my clients work at these plants. My grandson lives in this town and was at school at drum line pratice and I could see it headed that way from the radar. I could not get him on his phone. He finally called me back at 5:10 and I told him to get in his car, drive normal speed and GET HOME.....He had time to get there, I hoped.. He made it with about 10 minutes to spare and the storm passed over his home. My nerves were totally shot....The tornado touched down in the north of the town and did all the damage. Lots more damage was done for miles north of this town, Oxford. We kept keep getting warnings. But nothing but heavy rain and lightning here in my town. No work for me after 3 yesterday. We had a tornada in 1984 that wiped out half our town with lots of deaths in 1984 and I am terrified when it bad weather.





          I've been close to a tornado that touched down close to the town I was visiting in Nebraska when I was in high school, several miles away, but the stillness and the void in the air just before this happens will make your hair stand on end. So frightening and for me, I've never forgotten it.

          The worse part of something like this is trying to make sure your family is safe from harm and maybe not being able to reach them by phone or other means. I'm glad you and your family are OK. My wife told me that 50-60 people have lost their lives, so far. Very sad time for those families.

          My prayers go out to all that are touched by this.



            I've been in 1 tornado back in 1966. My parents had just moved in a new house my uncle had built for them. I was still living at home. I had ridden to work with a coworker and we went in McCrory's for coffee and danish before work. Within just a few minutes, everyone was talking about the tornado that hit north of town. The other lady lived in a mobile home and the babysitter was there with her baby. We left and tried to get home. They wouldn't let us go down some of the roads so she let me out and I walked through a field to get to my house. My mom was okay. The house had water damage and enough damage that the house had to be rebuilt. But we were very fortunate as the 2 houses down the street were leveled and a pregnant woman in a mobile home straight in front of my parents house was killed.
            I will never forget that feeling for the rest of my life. A few days later I was told that the field that I walked through to get to my house had downed live power lines in it. Boy that was a scary thought.

            I sure hope that all our friends are okay. My heart goes out to those who suffered damage and loss. I think I would rather deal with our hurricanes because at least we know they are coming.

            Linda F

