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social security revoked???

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    social security revoked???

    Some of you may remember a thread I posted last year about the couple with the property in Mississippi that was damaged badly in the hurricane and had gotten FEMA assistance. Then last year the government came after them and said that they had gotten the FEMA money under false pretenses and were prosecuting them. The facts are that when they went in the FEMA office, the girls wanted to leave for the day and insisted they sign the papers without reading them. He felt uneasy about doing that but the girls were so insistent that the couple signed them.

    Well, they went to trial in November. The man got 18 months in jail and then probation. His wife got 3 years probation. He is 71 years old!!

    Now my question....Their attorney said that he would not get his social security while he is in prison and when he comes out, it will not be started up. The attorney said he will never get his social security again. Is that true?

    I can't believe what has happened to these 2 elderly people!!!!!! I was told they can't appeal the decision.

    Linda F

    Did they have a lawyer? Geez, even a Lousiana lawyer ought to be able to get them just probation, 18 months in prison will be a life sentence for the old guy. Sorry, don't know about the suspension of Social Security or restoration of benefits after prison. But it doesn't sound right, unless they are taking it to repay FEMA, even the IRS can only levy a small portion of Social Security for back taxes.
    "A man that holds a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way." - Mark Twain


      Yes, they had a lawyer

      They had a lawyer from Ocean Springs, Mississippi or near there. He also had lost a home in the hurricane. He was or had been a judge. He was just dumbfounded when they sentenced this old man.
      They paid back all the money they got at the trial and all their fines. They had the FEMA money in a separate account and had receipts for all that they had spent. They borrowed money from somewhere else to be able to put back all the FEMA money.

      It is really a strange case. I would think that there must be some cracker jack lawyer out there that would be willing to take on this case and make some headlines out of it. This is not the only people that this has happened to. But all the people are afraid to go against the government or they are ashamed that they were arrested and sentenced or got probation. They don't want anyone to know what happened to them.

      This lady has been very involved in community service activities in our town for many many years. I think they have a senator working on the case now to see what he can do.

      I still need to give them an answer about the social security so if anyone knows the answer please let me know.

      Linda F


        FEMA sure seems to have a burr..

        under their saddle. Visiting a client yesterday, they showed me a 1/2 " manila envelope of documents assemble for a FEMA audit. They had applied for and received funds to provide food for Katrina. They had to have canceled checks (ordered from bank for a fee), receipts, confirmation of delivery, etc, etc.

        Total grant: $900. Big hearted client will never take FEMA money again!


          Thanks, Veritas. That is the exact answer I needed to give them. And it was right on Social secuity website.


