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Tax rebate ad - just venting

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    Tax rebate ad - just venting

    Our local CPA, who's previous ads claim if your not a CPA you have no business in the field of tax prep, has a new ad in our local paper:

    "File early and watch for news about the new tax rebates. Most taxpayers will receive refunds of $600 to $1,200 (more if they have children). Payments will start to go out in May IF your tax return is processed!"

    I think this is unethically jumping the gun as nothing has been finalized.

    just curious

    What state do you live in?

    I also get frustrated with these "false" ads, but finally came to the conclusion that it was more trouble than it was worth to fight. Also, it usually fits into the category of "The more you stir it, the worse it stinks and you are bound to get some on you"

    Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".


      I'm in Wisconsin. Again, I was just venting as I think this is an unethical tactic to drum up business. It would be different if the bill were finalized and there was some truth in getting people to come in and file, but the ad in our local paper had to be finalized last Friday and the truth was not known nor is it yet a for sure thing.

      He sits on a high horse and cuts on non-CPA preparers and the "fast food" chains. But enough of that I have work to do even though I'm only an EA.


        Hope you keep your chin up . . . the ad will invite everyone who's confused about the rebate (that's all of us, right now) to call for clarification whether they want to use the company's tax prep services or not. Who has time for that???? Fugetaboutit!




          First, there's nothing you can do about what someone else does. You may not like it, but like BP said, keep your chin up!

          Second, I made a comment to a friend a long time ago about me being "only an EA" and immediately got a deserved dressing-down for making that comment. As was pointed out to me and rightly so, you may be much more qualified to prepare taxes than this CPA in your post. So, think of yourself as more than "just an EA" Be proud you're an EA. You worked hard to get those initials after your name!



            I'm a CPA, because I worked for a CPA firm and passed the CPA exam in 1980. And I haven't had to pass an exam since, except for correspondence courses for CPE. But as I understand EA's are passing exams yearly, just to be an EA. For that reason, EA's are probably more educated, better prepared and at least equal to the professional standard set forth by the CPA society's. In addition, some, probably most, EA's have worked for the IRS and thus have a better understanding of the inner workings of the IRS, than CPA's. Thus, I respect, and admire EA's for their fortitude, assistance and desire to put themselves ahead of unlicensed tax preparers. I'll probably take a lot of flack from CPA's for those comments, but I felt it had to be said.



              There are

              good CPAs and not so good CPAs. There are good EAs and some not so good. Both are in every field. I've corrected errors on returns prepared by CPAs and I'm darn sure there are CPAs that have corrected my errors. I think we all try to do the best we can with what we have.


                I work with mostly EAs, and they don't have exams each year. They have CPE just like we CPAs do. I'm a CPA for the same reason as Fuzzy; and since I had never worked in the tax field before getting a Master's in Tax (yeah I know that's wierd), I didn't even know about EAs since the campus groups I was in were rah-rah CPA. So I applied at all the big firms like the rest of the Beta Alpha Psi folk and got into a big firm, and I became a CPA. But all I ever wanted to do was tax, and all I do is tax.

                But I do think that CPA is crossing the ethical boundaries with that ad (and we do have some serious ethical hoops we need to jump through).


                  Don't worry about the Competition

                  I never worry about the competition.

                  I set my own fees.

                  I provide a top-notch tax service, and the word service is in bold letters!

                  I am the leader in setting prices at my EA business, higher than H & R, JH, and the local CPA's in my community.

                  I lose more clients to the local funeral home than to the competition!

                  And I sleep very well at night.
                  Jiggers, EA



                    Just so I'm clear on this, I am not bashing CPAs. I think they are great! They have gotten my rear out of a sling plenty of times.

                    However, I do wonder about this one in Jesse's post. Seems most of the CPAs on this and other boards wouldn't need to advertise in the manner he did. Maybe they're getting their feet wet preparing returns and this is a good place to start and he thinks he makes himself look good by making the silly comment he did??



                      Frankly, I don't have a problem with the ad. Yes, the rebate program isn't official yet, but it's been well-reported and there's a very high probability of passage. His suggestion to watch the newspapers gives some indication of the uncertainty, but it's not clear enough. And, he's only offering the same information that everyone is reading. His suggestion to file early is good advice, since the early filer's will most likely receive their rebate first.
                      I've seen so many other ads from the large chains that are so much more troublesome, this one seems rather harmless to me. It probably would have been best had he just indicated everything was pending Congressional approval (which is expected) with possible changes.
                      Last edited by Zee; 01-30-2008, 10:16 PM.

