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  • Renee

    I have found after speaking with the other partner that not all things have been done correctly. I now have another new client with a can of worms. Your responses are reassureing to what I already knew, it's always nice to have that.

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  • OldJack
    UPE or Sch-A

    I agree with Jesse. 1040 Sch-E, UPE deduction is only for expenses specifically required to be paid by the partnership agreement.

    Originally posted by 2004 Instructions for 1040 Sch-E, page 6
    Unreimbursed Partnership

    You can deduct unreimbursed ordinary
    and necessary partnership expenses
    you paid on behalf of the partnership on
    Schedule E if you were required to pay
    these expenses under the partnership
    agreement (except amounts deductible only as
    itemized deductions, which you must enter
    on Schedule A)

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  • Unregistered
    Guest replied
    I appreciate all your input. I ordered my taxbook today, received a flier in the mail then started reading the forum. This is a great resource to have. In 2002 and 2003 they have split these expenses between SCH A and C. Guess I'll amend those years. Once again thank you.

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  • jimmcg
    Unreimbursed Part Ext

    Just checked...........Read page 20-5 of Tax Book

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  • jimmcg
    Unreimbursed Part Exp

    Agree with above. Taken on Schedule E, Part 2 ..........It's in The Tax Book

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  • Jesse
    P-ship Agreement

    Unreimbursed P-ship expenses can only be taken if it is written up in the partnership agreement as such. If so, then yes the expenses are taken on schedule E. If not I think Schedule A subject to the 2% AGI.

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  • Unregistered
    Guest started a topic K1


    I have a new client that has brought me their 2004 return to do(don't you just love them). Included is a K1 2 partners. The other partner filed the 1065. My client has expenses that were not reflected or calculated into the K1 or 1065. Where should these expenses be reported on his return? I say SCH E.