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Off-topic: Windows updates, IE crashing

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    A while back, I was having a problem with the same updates wanting to install, even after I had already installed them. I went to the Microsoft website and did a search of the knowledge base and the answer jumped out at me. There was a file that had been previously updated that had a problem or something like that.

    Well, I followed the instructions in the knowledge base article and got rid of the problem.

    Your problem sounds different, as you say IE7 is crashing on you. There are so many things that it could be. I would suggest going to the MS website and doing a keyword search and maybe you can find the answer.

    Good luck. I know these things can be frustrating.


      MS site

      I am running IE 6, not 7.

      I will go into MS and see what I can find out. Right now, I'm fine, as I removed the updates I did yesterday.

      You're right, it is frustrating. With tax season starting, I'll pretend there are no updates to be installed!

      Thank you for all suggestions, they help sort things out.


