Originally posted by Jesse
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Help with 2006 Income Tax Return Examination
Last edited by BP.; 01-18-2008, 04:12 PM.
Get Representation
Get someone to represent you and stay home near a telephone. If you're there, you'll be expected to answer questions, even questions about other items on the return, especially if you refer to something when speaking. (If you do go, do NOT talk!) Your EA or CPA can say that the question is outside the scope of the documents requested and he'll have to ask his client -- after all, he didn't prepare your return so just has the audit information available at this time.
But give him all your documentation, spreadsheets, lists, logs, etc. Show the bank withdrawals of $200 every Saturday to drop in the plate every Sunday. Ask your church to provide confirmation that you're a regular contributor. Maybe they'd share copies of Sunday deposits showing more than $200 cash each week. It'd be good if you've started using envelopes or checks now. Show your employer's reimbursement policy not starting until late 2006 &/or your job offer stating that you're required to go out to visit clients at your own expense/salary covers expenses. Someone at Goodwill must remember thousands of dollars worth of furniture arriving; can they provide their sales information to back up your valuation? Do you have pictures of it in your home to jog their memories? Look at every line on your tax return the letter refers to. What about Other Miscellaneous Expenses? Did you deduct anything besides the unreimbursed employee expense? If so, gather documentation.
I don't believe ...
... very much of this guy's original story. In fact I even suspect the whole thing is a made up story.
But if it isn't, the end result may very well be that the IRS determines that all those alleged cash contributions point to unreported cash income. In addition, the amounts are so large that this case could be referred to the fraud division. This guy may need a lot more than a CPA or EA ... he may need a lawyer!Roland Slugg
"I do what I can."
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