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Circ 230 CPE from TheTaxBook

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    Circ 230 CPE from TheTaxBook

    This is a great CPE course - TMI's the "Ethics Edition: Rules of Professional conduct for Individuals Eligible to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service." An exellent course, a great review of circ 230, highly recommended.

    TheTaxBook is the #1 fast-answer tax publication in America. Our publications provide fast answers to tax questions for tax practitioners!

    2hr self study. Timely topic relating to prior posts today. I just completed it. It's the first CPE I've ordered from TMI and I'm completely satisfied. I am a former Quickfinder user who grew weary of big business tactics (after Quickfinder was bought by Thompson).


    I took the same one and found it very complete and very current. Thanks TTB
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      Interesting comments, Jay. I have the Ethics course, too, and will bone up to take the test after the Christmas.

      Many of us on this board feel the same way about the QuickFinder and PPC. After living a long time, I am convinced that "bigger" is not always "better." This is particularly true in this case -- for example, PPC does not allow their writers to operate a tax practice. You also cannot get a "stop-on-a-dime" action from a large company with approval processes - each step up the process is carefully guarded by someone determined that his part of the matrix stays intact. Last December, TTB responded to last-minute legislation concurrent with their final printing. This could never happen in a large company.

      The larger the corporation, the more likely it is to be operated by "corporate-engrained specialists" rather than subject matter experts. Human nature is the same everywhere, but the environment of a small company fosters better service, more responsiveness, and broader-based subject experts.

      You are a new member, and I hope you visit the board regularly as you see fit. CPAs have a GAAP perspective they can often lend greatly to discussions.

