Anybody here had problems with your computer being able to "read" a flash drive?
I've got a one-gig Verbatim model flash drive which I always used on my Dell XP computer and have had no problems with it at all (still don't). Office Max recently had a sale on four-gig Verbatims, so I bought a couple and used one of them to successfully download 250 clients to it. Next time I tried to use it, the computer would not recognize it at all (no flash, no nothin'). It's just a piece of dead metal as far as Windows is concerned.
Funny thing though; I've also got another XP in the office -- a later model -- and there's no problem using it with the 4Gs. They load up, are recognized, can import, will export, etc., so obviously the flash drives are not faulty and it's something to do with older computer #1, but...what?
Any ideas?
I've got a one-gig Verbatim model flash drive which I always used on my Dell XP computer and have had no problems with it at all (still don't). Office Max recently had a sale on four-gig Verbatims, so I bought a couple and used one of them to successfully download 250 clients to it. Next time I tried to use it, the computer would not recognize it at all (no flash, no nothin'). It's just a piece of dead metal as far as Windows is concerned.
Funny thing though; I've also got another XP in the office -- a later model -- and there's no problem using it with the 4Gs. They load up, are recognized, can import, will export, etc., so obviously the flash drives are not faulty and it's something to do with older computer #1, but...what?
Any ideas?