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estate tax question

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    estate tax question

    a taxpayer's assets were held in a revocable trust-which become irrevocable at the point of death. In preparing the estate tax return-Form 706 I believe the assets are shown separately-i.e cash, stocks, real estate? Is there anything I should be aware of since they were held in trust? Thanks.

    I am not a tax-preparer, but if I were preparing the 706, I would list the assets on Schedule G. I would say something to the effect of "transfers to the Joe Blow Revocable Trust dated....xx/xx/xxxx. At date of death, the fair market value of the assets were as follows:

    and then i would list each asset under this heading, making sure to include any accrued interest or dividends to date of death as a sub-entry for each item.
    Last edited by Brad Imsdahl; 10-12-2007, 08:35 PM. Reason: Deleted sarcasm

