OK, so my wife thinks one of our cats is talented. She gets this book entitled, Why Cats Paint, and finds out that the Egyptians were first to discover 5,000 years ago that cats paint. The Russians discovered this again in 1970.
She thinks our cat Mushi is a painter and won’t clean up his paw prints off the glass of our porch door because she thinks its art.
She then reads in this book that cats paint their pictures upside down. To figure out what the painting is, you have to look at it upside down. So I get down on the floor to look at these paw prints upside down, and to my surprise, it’s a Wooly Mammoth. So then we were trying to figure out how Mushi knew what a Wooly Mammoth looks like, and sure enough, Ice Age is on TV tonight. He saw a commercial for it.
Our cat is an artist.