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How Would This Work?

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    How Would This Work?

    Cash basis couple typically files MFJ. One of the spouses passes away in March of current year before the prior year's tax return is filed. Surviving spouse files prior year's tax return as MFJ signing the return as "Surviving Spouse". However, assuming the couple was still eligible to file MFJ in the current year how would the surviving spouse submit this year's return when he/she files in January - April of next year? Another MFJ return?


    File as MFJ on both returns and sign as "surving spouse" on both returns.
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      It would be the same method next year as it was this year.
      Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".


        How Would This Work?

        Thank you for your replies. I thought that was how the scenario would play out but using "Surviving Spouse" for two years in succession seemed just a bit odd.



          But over 2 years is a problem

          Surviving spouse for 2 years isn't a big deal, but unless there are delinquent returns it can be problematic if filed for more than 2 years. (Maybe more problematic in other ways if the spouse's name changes in year 3)
          "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith

