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Has anyone used DVDs for CPE?

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    Has anyone used DVDs for CPE?

    I have noticed a few siminars offer an audio and perhaps a workbook for sale.
    Do you know of any that have DVDs with video and audio and WorkBooks or self-study for CPE.
    Has anyone used these? If so, what are your opinions?


    two sorts of DVDs

    I have used DVDs made specifically for remote learning and I have used DVDs that were recorded from live seminars - I much prefer the second type. The DVDs made in a studio I have found to be dry and found it difficult to stay attentive.

    My old firm used to order Gear Up DVDs each year for group CPE and they have some good speakers, but, in my view, always burned up too much time promoting something. It is certainly cost effective for a bigger firm, as you buy the DVD once and then pay for additional manuals or manuals with CPE tests.

    In my new firm, I ordered a Bob Jennings DVD two day Business Entities seminar. He has lively presentation skills and there's alot of meat in his material. I'll seek those out again.

    I like that I don't have to watch it all in one day and I can usually answer the questions on the CPE test as we go, so that by the end I'm ready to send it off to obtain credit.

    The offerings are on the respective websites and can be ordered there or on the phone.

    Hope that helps.



      I just looked at Bob Jennings website. I was wondering if you know the difference between the e-book/DVD package and the manual/DVD package. I assume the manual is printed material. I also was wondering if a book is necessary at all for the CPE test. Thanks.



        My course was the manual combination - the ebook is newer - it is a hyperlink to the manual and there's 'value adds' like calculators also with the ebook.

        As to whether the manual is a necessity-There were definitely questions on the test that were not discussed in the seminar and I had to track down in the manual - and he does refer to the manual frequently also. I know with Gear Up once you purchased the DVD you could buy manuals separately or manuals and tests as a combo, but not just a test - not sure how B Jennings works that.

        I may try the ebook, and maybe a webinar, but I still prefer having the book at hand. I know that even with the manual he gave us the passwords to link to updates and other information online.

        He's expanding his offerings quickly. Last year was his first selling the DVD (I tried to get one the year before and they had pulled the product - wasn't ready to roll yet, I guess).
        Last edited by abby; 08-17-2007, 03:41 PM.


          Thanks Abby

          I will check out the ones you noted. I am not as interested in the CPE as I am to gain more knowlege. I probably have already paid for enough materials to cover double the hours I'll need, I just think that it would be great to have qualified and somewhat interesting seminar speakers on a DVD.


            Originally posted by JAinNC View Post
            I will check out the ones you noted. I am not as interested in the CPE as I am to gain more knowlege. I probably have already paid for enough materials to cover double the hours I'll need, I just think that it would be great to have qualified and somewhat interesting seminar speakers on a DVD.
            Dito. Have more than enough CPE as well. Thanks Abby.


              I checked out

              the Jennings Seminars on DVD. Some of those look like good possiblities for group viewing by my support staff - and me also.

              I also noted some DVDs and an audio CD in the NATP catalog. I called member services and they are going to call me back Monday to let me know for sure if it is live seminar (without advertising).

              Thanks for your help.

