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Research Book Advice

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    Research Book Advice

    I am currently an ATX tax preparer. Last year I purchased the Kleinrock tax reference guides for 1040, business and all states which I love and saved me much time and headaches and I even learned a few things. This year I'm thinking of purchasing "The Tax Book" and wonder if anyone knows how these 2 compare or if you are pleased with your tax book. Also, I'm thinking of changing software to TRX Alliance's "Tax Refund Express" or "Refunds Today" since I'm a small preparer and want to be competitive with bank products, ATX is more expensive than these two. Any advice?

    Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!

    Tax Research Books

    I dont think that you can go wrong with TaxBook. It is the best research tool on the market. I had Kleinrock tools one year but never renewed. The 1040Book may be all you need. If 1040's comprise the trade the 1040 TaxBook is it. I think all of the other publications are unnecessary. Membership in one of the prof organizations is essential.
    Go careful and be sure of the software you choose. Most of the big companies will give you a break as a small preparer. Demand it! Dont settle for a cheap software that competes with you online for your business. Keep up to date and sell your knowedge. Good luck.


      TheTaxBook has a money back guarantee. Use it for the entire season, and if it does not meet your needs, return it by April 15, 2008, and you will get a full refund, no questions asked.

      No other publisher will let you use the book the entire tax season and then give you your money back if you are not satisfied.

      TheTaxBook is also the only one that was able to include the new tax law that was passed on December 9, 2006 in their hard copy version. Neither Kleinrock nor Quickfinder included the new law coverage in their hard copy versions that were shipped last December. Not even the IRS 1040 instruction booklet included the changes from the new law. TheTaxBook guarantees any tax law passed by December 1, 2007 will make it into their 2007 edition hard copy version, and still meet the promised December 15th, 2007 shipping deadline.
      Last edited by Bees Knees; 06-26-2007, 01:58 PM.



        Get the Deluxe TaxBook. Best quick put-your-hands-on-it-quick source!
        Jiggers, EA


          I agree....

          .... get the deluxe version, even if your practice is 1040 only, you will still need research into other areas on occassion. That is how we all grew over the years.
          This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

          Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


            Agree with Jiggers and BobW. The Deluxe Tax Book is a great time saver and help.
            Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".


              Order the Deluxe Tax Book. (If you order by mid July you don't pay shipping. Plus they won't bill you until December.)

              I've used Kleinrock's products. TTB (The Tax Book) is far superior in ease of use. It shows you what you need to know in understandable language, yet is sophisticated enough to address the issues you'll face.

              I still have Kleinrock's Federal Tax Expert so for more detailed research. As a one woman firm, I'm very cost conscience. However I've placed my order for next year's TTB already.


                kleinrock and ttb

                I use both. I use ATX software, which I love. They also had a great message board going, but cut us off near the end of tax season. Because of the package I get and that I want the heavy duty research, I get all of the Kleinrock books. I find The tax book easier to use and more intuitive, but sometimes check both. I have found both to be very useful. The Kleinrock books include a little extra information and cautions that I have benefited from.



                  Tax Book and Drake Software

                  Every year I buy an arsenal of quick reference books.

                  If you can't find the answer in one, you grab another, and then another and then another.
                  If that fails, you call upon the wisdom of this message board which is priceless.

                  Tax publications are really just opinions from informed and educated authors and practicioners.

                  I like to get lots of diferent opinions from lots of educated people and then draw my own conclusions from there, because as we all know, tax is not an exact science.

                  The Tax book and Quick finder are the core of my arsenal....I usually find what I am looking for 95% of the time with the combination of these two. In addition, I always get Lassers paperback, and always get Ernst and Youngs paperback, and always get CCH's Master tax guide paperback.

                  Also, every few years I subscribe to PPC's Deskbook series, 1040, 1120, 1120s, 1065, however, the cost of these have become prohibitive.

                  I had Kleinrock a few years ago but did not find it very useful and did not renew it. It did not seem to offer anything new or diferent than I could find in TaxBook or QF.

                  I have used Drake software for about 10 years can't beat it for the price...and it comes with everything including ALL the states and free Electronic Filing.

                  One nice feature with Drake is that when you are done with the Federal return the state is practically done too (except for a little tweaking). This feature really comes in handy when you need to prepare a state tax return that you are not very familiar with.

                  Drakes renewal is $995 per year and as I said, it includes EVERYTHING, ie, 1040, 1120, 1120s, 1065, 1041, 990, evens come with a general ledger accounting package but I have to confess, I have never used it.

                  For W2 forms and 1099 forms CFS Tax Tools is the best, costs about $100 per year. Very simple and easy to use.

                  Good Luck,

                  Harvey Lucas


                    Thanks To All for Help!

                    Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to respond. You were alot of help!!

                    Have a wonderful day!

