Just so anyone curious enough to wonder when it happens:
In a few days, Snaggletooth will be leaving the TTB message board.
I will be resuming activity under another surname with no contact
information. I'm not afraid for anyone to have contact information,
in fact if you really want it (sic) you are welcome to check my profile.
You are welcome to send private messages if need be.
Those few of you who have become mesmerized by my writing style
will have no problem figuring out who the surname really is, but last
time I tried to produce anything the record company wouldn't even
punch a hole in the middle.
Just a reality check -- I haven't really deluded myself into thinking
I had a fan club, but indeed I have enjoyed getting to know many
of you over the wires, and some of you even personally. I'll still be
around. If anyone asks, tell them I had to get my teeth fixed. I was
renting my mouth out for a notary public seal, and my commission
As I enter the TTB heaven, I'll be sure to say hello to Lance Emerson.
Somehow, I think he's still around too.
In a few days, Snaggletooth will be leaving the TTB message board.
I will be resuming activity under another surname with no contact
information. I'm not afraid for anyone to have contact information,
in fact if you really want it (sic) you are welcome to check my profile.
You are welcome to send private messages if need be.
Those few of you who have become mesmerized by my writing style
will have no problem figuring out who the surname really is, but last
time I tried to produce anything the record company wouldn't even
punch a hole in the middle.
Just a reality check -- I haven't really deluded myself into thinking
I had a fan club, but indeed I have enjoyed getting to know many
of you over the wires, and some of you even personally. I'll still be
around. If anyone asks, tell them I had to get my teeth fixed. I was
renting my mouth out for a notary public seal, and my commission
As I enter the TTB heaven, I'll be sure to say hello to Lance Emerson.
Somehow, I think he's still around too.