One of my client's employer formerly contributed funds into a Sep-Ira for client. Just found out today that in 2006, employer began issuing a check to employees and the employees deposited into their Sep-Ira accounts. Client received a letter from IRS stating client owed an addition $700 due to $4,600 in additional income. The additional income is because client did not make his contribution until 4/19/06. He thought he was making for 2005, bank submitted as 2006 due to date. I have a couple of questions:
1. Shouldn't the contribution be reflected on 1040, line 32 for IRA deduction or is a SEP IRA handled differently?
2. Taxpayer's W-2 for 2005 shows same income for box 1, box 3, and box 5 and nothing inputted for retirement plan, so wouldn't the $4,600 already be included in his income? So why would the IRS state the $4,600 is additional income?
3. Being taxpayer's $4,600 was applied to his 2006 Sep-Ira (unknown to taxpayer until today) and he also applied his check he received in April 2007 (prior to 4/16/07) to 2006 Sep-Ira, he will now be over 25% of his wages, so do I need to do an amended return filing a 8606 being a portion of his contribution will now be nondeductible?
Thank you for spelling this out for me; I am feeling very ignorant on exactly how to handle.
1. Shouldn't the contribution be reflected on 1040, line 32 for IRA deduction or is a SEP IRA handled differently?
2. Taxpayer's W-2 for 2005 shows same income for box 1, box 3, and box 5 and nothing inputted for retirement plan, so wouldn't the $4,600 already be included in his income? So why would the IRS state the $4,600 is additional income?
3. Being taxpayer's $4,600 was applied to his 2006 Sep-Ira (unknown to taxpayer until today) and he also applied his check he received in April 2007 (prior to 4/16/07) to 2006 Sep-Ira, he will now be over 25% of his wages, so do I need to do an amended return filing a 8606 being a portion of his contribution will now be nondeductible?
Thank you for spelling this out for me; I am feeling very ignorant on exactly how to handle.