Well this was an interesting email from the Calif Soc of Enrolled Agents, so will have to investigate further.
Here is a link for the registery http://www.ss.ca.gov/dpregistry/ and a link to FTB http://www.ftb.ca.gov/individuals/faq/dompart.html
I am sure we will receive additional info in the months to come.
Dear CSEA/NAEA Members, Affiliates, Associates, and Prospective Members:
We know the last thing you want to do is think about Tax Season 2008, but there are new laws that you and your clients need to be aware of starting now!
Starting for the tax year 2007, registered domestic partners (RDPs) must file as married in California. Remember, this is the law in California and is not Federal Law. Under Federal law RDPs are not eligible to file joint tax returns. How is this going to work? Find out…
We know the last thing you want to do is think about Tax Season 2008, but there are new laws that you and your clients need to be aware of starting now!
Starting for the tax year 2007, registered domestic partners (RDPs) must file as married in California. Remember, this is the law in California and is not Federal Law. Under Federal law RDPs are not eligible to file joint tax returns. How is this going to work? Find out…
I am sure we will receive additional info in the months to come.