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    I'm DONE

    4 PM > 26 extensions> I'm going home>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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    I'll bet your busy today?

    This is your busy time of year huh?

    Today is like Christmas Eve I'll bet?

    I'll bet you will be taking a vacation now?

    On extension? When are you going to get my return done?

    Can I come by tonight at about 8:00?


      Gotta go drop off two returns, get paid,

      go home, take a load off, get up an hour early in the morning, drive an hour into the city, drive around for 20 minutes looking for a parking space and.......

      Sit down for an audit!

      WOOOOHOOOOOO! I'm one lucky man.


        My last guy shows up at 2 with a couple of checks to mail in with the extension. He asked if I was busy. I said no...after you, I'm done.

        I needed two certified at the post office as they were balance due returns. Thought I'd have to stand in line for hours, but the post office was empty. The lady at the counter said everyone came in yesterday.

        I think that is a great idea. IRS should always have a secret deadline only the pros know about. That way we don't have to stand in line like the rest of the population.

        I did notice e-filing was slow this morning. It took three or four tries for every return before I would get the transmitted thumbs up screen.

        Now I got a couple of T-bones from Coborn's in Big Lake to grill. Some Chianti, ready to kick back...relax, and watch Dancing With The Stars on my 50" Plasma HD TV with my new Bose digital surround sound system I got from Target.

        What are you guy’s doing to celebrate??


          Celebrate? What about my royalties? (Well, it's an amended return)

          What about all the other stuff I just dumped on the floor to take care of after tax season? Bookkeeping, payroll, extensions, non-profit?

          Guess, it's still good to start working normal hours

          I am waiting for 2 more clients, one just a pick up, the other needs to give me one more piece of info. Neither of them called to make arrangements.

          I look forward playing in my yard tonight. Pleasant, almost 70 degrees out there.



            I'm getting calls about corrected tax documents showing up now in mailboxes. Who knows what these will bring.
            One W2 that has shown up in the mailbox that guy didnt have when Block did his return. I do returns for his girl friends and her parents. He went to Block for a RAL and I told his girl friends dad I would do his amended free as a wedding gift. I think he also qualified for EIC and got that money and now has to pay the piper.
            I feel sorry for him and the girl friend. I guess I'm just an enabler. I have been for my adult children and now for adult children of my clients. That is something I can give the young man and his girl friend without buying silver, china or crystal. Do they do that anymore?


              Do they get

              married anymore? Not around my parts.


                Don;t know

                I dont ask too many questions anymore. Take what I'm told and believe it. No I dont wish to buy the Brooklyn Bridge.


                  back on Monday

                  >>corrected tax documents showing up<<

                  We aren't anywhere near done. I put more on extensions than ever before. I'm also getting more corrected documents -- I even got one on a county pension 1099R, fer cryin out loud. I also had more clients who didn't get a 1099 at all -- "I guess they didn't pay any interest on those CDs." Plus I'm sure the IRS computers will be spewing out letters big-time.

                  For the first time since I started in 1990, it's not a seasonal job. My boss wants me back on Monday.



                    I'm going to band practice tonight to celebrate.



                      Went out to eat with my husband and my 8 yr old son to a nice restaurant. Tomorrow I'm out at a client.


                        I finished Friday. Wife and I are leaving for Branson, MO, Wednesday morning and I have tickets to the Moon River Theatre to see Andy Williams and Charo Thursday night (row 7 center stage) and then off to visit 4 grandkids and their school activities (football, soccer, track, and singing) for the weekend. Not sure if I will ever return home or do taxes again.



                          Just finished my last client and took the wife and kids out to dinner. Pretty good year and put quite a few on extension. Always looking for next year and to see how big we grow to. Thanks everyone for your imput this year could not of done it with out you. See you all next year.



                            My plan

                            My plan was to be finished by Friday 4/13, but that didn't happen. So continued through the weekend and finished most all 4/16/07, with just about 2 stragglers on Tues 4/17, but made the t/p responsible for the extension forms, etc. Lots of faxes and emails have gone out the last few days.

                            Old Jack you have to come back, you can't retire and leave us!




                              Guess I'll have to be finished since it is 11:15 PM in Florida. I do think I have more extensions than I have ever had.

                              I had 3 to finish this morning and I did their extensions this afternoon.

                              My nephew came by this morning. He owes IRS big time. One of those who gets paid on 1099 even though he is an employee. He is starting his own business now. So I spent time telling him how to get started. But I don't see him very often so I was nice to see him.
                              Then his partner needed his extension done too.

                              Then about 7:30 I called one last client and left message on her voice mail that I was filing an extension for her and her son. If she had already done her taxes, it wouldnt matter but if she hadn't she would be safe. She called me back about 30 minutes later and said "I LOVE YOU!! I forgot all about doing my taxes"

                              So I will do what I want tomorrow and then come in and do a payroll and deliver it. Thursday I'll get at bookkeeping and quarterly reports.

                              You have to watch American Idol AND Dancing with the stars.

                              I think in May I may get to rest. At least that is my hope. Although true be known, I do not work 8 hours a day every day. I work a few hours every day and some in the evenings. Basically when I have to get something done and I work it around the other things I want to do. Thats why I love my job.

                              Have a great summer.

                              Linda F

